A girl getting a drink from a water fountain

The Missouri Safe Drinking Water Commission administers the Missouri Safe Drinking Water Law (Missouri Revised Statute sections 640.100 to 640.140, RSMo). The commission ensures all 2,800 public water systems in Missouri provide safe drinking water. The commission adopts, modifies and repeals rules and regulations to implement and enforce the Missouri Safe Drinking Water Law. The commission establishes criteria and procedures for administering the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, adopts Intended Use Plan for grants and loans, sets the primacy fee and advises the department about various drinking water issues. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Water Protection Program assists the commission in its duties.

Commission Meetings

The commission meets four to six times a year. Agenda items vary, but they typically include public hearings, actions on rules, requests for variances or work related to compliance issues. The public is welcome to attend these meetings, which may be in person, by conference call or through Webex. The department cannot guarantee the quality of the Webex or conference call options. The department attempts to correct any technical difficulties as they arise, but the meeting will not be subject to change or repeat due to any technical difficulties.

If you have issues to present to the commission concerning the regulation of public water systems, you may do so at one of the regularly scheduled commission meetings. If you would like to address the commission on any agenda item, you will need to notify the department before the meeting. You can do this by emailing the commission secretary at sdwc@dnr.mo.gov if attending by Webex or conference call. If attending in person, you can complete a Speaker Request form that will be available at the registration table at the meeting.

Upcoming Meetings

Video Attendance Available!
Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

More Info:
Join the Oct. 8 meeting using Webex

Past Meetings

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
More Info:
Video recording July 9, 2024
Additional Materials:
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, July 9, 2024

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
More Info:
Video Recording April 9, 2024
Additional Materials:
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, April 9, 2024

Statewide, Missouri
Agenda Amended
More Info:
Video Recording January 9, 2024
Additional Materials:
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Jan. 9, 2024

Lewis and Clark State Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
More Info:
Video Recording, Oct. 10, 2023
Additional Materials:
Ruby's Landing Amended AHC Decision
Ruby's Landing Respondent's Exhibits
Ruby's Landing Petitioner's Exhibits
Ruby's Landing Respondent's Reply Brief
Ruby's Landing Respondent's Pre-Hearing Brief
Ruby's Landing Respondent's Post-Hearing Brief
Ruby's Landing Respondent's Answer
Ruby's Landing Petitioner's Trial Brief
Ruby's Landing Petitioner's Final Brief
Ruby's Landing Petitioner Complaint
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Oct. 10, 2023
Safe Drinking Water Commission Closed Meeting Minutes, Oct. 10, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
More Info:
Video Recording, July 11, 2023
Additional Materials:
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, July 11, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
More Info:
Video Recording, April 11, 2023
Additional Materials:
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, April 11, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building with Webe
Jefferson City, Missouri
More Info:
Video Recording, Jan. 10, 2023
Additional Materials:
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Jan. 10, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Additional Materials:
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Oct. 11, 2022

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Additional Materials:
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, July 12, 2022

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Additional Materials:
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, April 14, 2022

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Additional Materials:
Safe Drinking Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Jan. 12, 2022


Elizabeth Grove
Representing: Public Water Supplies serving a population greater than 75 but not more than 2,500
36970 Monroe Road 370
Monroe City, MO 63456-3088
Dennis Knipmeyer
Representing: Public
Higginsville, MO
Susan McCray Armstrong
Representing: Public
St. Louis, MO
Brian Bender
Representing: Public Water Supplies serving a population of 75 or fewer.
Atlanta, MO
D. Scott Bockenkamp
Representing: Public
Desloge, MO
Charli Jo Ledgerwood
Representing: Public Water Supplies serving a population greater than 2,500 and less than 100,000
Cassville, MO
Fred W. Schmidt
Representing: Public
Des Peres, MO

Curtis Skouby
Representing: Public Water Supplies serving a population greater than 100,000
St. Louis, MO
Representing: Public
Timothy Duggan
Attorney General's Office Contact
Missouri Attorney General's Office
P.O. Box 899
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0899
David Lamb, Public Drinking Water Branch Director
MoDNR Staff Contact
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Jordana Ortiz
MoDNR Staff Assistant Contact
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Commission Structure

The Missouri Safe Drinking Water Commission is made up of nine members, all of which are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate. All members represent the general interest of the public or public water systems. All members must have demonstrated an interest and knowledge about water quality, and, to the greatest extent possible, the various associations representing water suppliers of the size classes represented on the commission. All members shall be qualified by interest, education, training or experience to provide, assess and evaluate scientific and technical information concerning drinking water, financial requirements and the effects of publishing standards, rules and regulations.

  • Four members must represent various sizes of public water systems, based on the population they serve
    • One water system serving a population of 75 or less
    • One water system serving a population greater than 75 but not more than 2,500
    • One water system serving a population greater than 2,500 and less than 100,000
    • One water system serving a population of more than 100,000
  • Five members must represent the public

Commissioners serve four-year terms and until successors are selected and qualified. If you are interested in serving on this commission, a current Application for Gubernatorial Appointment is required for consideration. You can apply online on the Missouri Boards and Commissions website.