The Missouri Industrial Minerals Advisory Council is an advisory council to the state geologist. Authorized by Missouri Revised Statute section 256.710, RSMo, the council provides advice and guidance on administering the Geologic Resources Fund, work products to support the industrial mineral operators and all other matters brought before the council by the department director. The council's main duty is to advise the department on collecting, processing, managing and distributing geologic and hydrologic information to assist the industrial mineral industry. Expenditures from the Geologic Resources Fund, which was created to complete these activities, are reviewed by the council, and the council advises the department on appropriate fees to support the fund. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Geological Survey Program assists the council in its duties.
Council Meetings
The council meets at least once a year. The public is welcome to attend these meetings, which may be in person, by conference call or through Webex. The department cannot guarantee the quality of the Webex or conference call options. The department attempts to correct any technical difficulties as they arise, but the meeting will not be subject to change or repeat due to any technical difficulties.
If you would like to address the council on any agenda item, you will need to notify the department before the meeting. You can do this by emailing the council secretary at cara.bird@dnr.mo.gov if attending by Webex or conference call. If attending in person, you can complete a Speaker Request form that will be available at the registration table at the meeting.