The department helps improve water quality and works with individuals, businesses and municipalities to ensure they have the tools and knowledge to develop sustainable practices that protect Missouri’s water resources. We provide financial assistance to help communities plan, finance and build water and wastewater infrastructure projects that improve the lives of Missourians; provide financial assistance to projects to ensure adequate, long-term, reliable public water supply, treatment and transmission facilities; and award grants to assist regional public comprehensive planning organizations and interstate organizations to carry out water quality management planning. For a side-by-side comparison of our loan programs, review Infrastructure Funding Resources for Publicly Owned Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems.
Abandoned Well Plugging Grant
Funding to help public water systems identify and plug abandoned water wells
Clean Water and Drinking Water Small Borrower Loan
Low-interest direct loans for wastewater or drinking water system improvements
CWSRF Engineering Report Grants
Funding to help communities develop plans to improve their wastewater system
CWSRF Integrated Management Plan Grant
Funding to help communities plan existing and future investments for water management
CWSRF On-site Wastewater Treatment System Grant
Funding to help owners repair or replace failing onsite wastewater systems
CWSRF Regionalization Incentive Grant
Funding to help municipalities connect or evaluate connecting wastewater facilities
DWSRF Engineering Report Grant
Funding to help communities develop plans to improve their drinking water system
DWSRF Lead Service Line Funding
Funding to help communities in lead service line inventory, planning and replacement
Multipurpose Water Resource Program Fund
Funding to help communities provide public water supply, treatment or transmission
Operator Certification Training Voucher Program
Funding to help operators obtain and renew their certification
Section 319 Nonpoint Source Subgrants
Funding to help restore and protect waters impaired or threatened by NPS pollution
Section 604(b) Water Quality Management Planning Grant
Funding to help organizations carry out water quality management planning
Soil and Water Conservation Cost-Share Practices
Cost-share program to help landowners install soil and water conservation practices
Source Water Protection Project Grant
Funding to help water systems develop and implement local source water protection plans
Water Safety and Security Act Project Grant
Funding to help public water systems develop valve and hydrant inspection programs & maps
Community Development Block Grant (DED)
Grants to help communities establish or improve local water or sewer systems
Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program (USDA)
Funding for drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal and storm water drainage
Funding Opportunities Portal
Electronically submit your application for available financial assistance
Financial Assistance Opportunities
Other financial assistance opportunities available through the department