Missouri homes, businesses and industry produce millions of tons of solid waste every year. Hazardous waste continues to present challenges from both present and past handling practices. The department works continuously to protect public health and the environment by employing current management, permitting, monitoring and enforcement measures. The department also looks for better ways for Missourians to safely and effectively manage the different types of waste they create. Visit the Environmental Emergency Response page to learn more about emergency assistance for hazardous materials and petroleum spills.
Permits, Licenses and Registrations
Information and requirements for managing solid and hazardous waste in Missouri
Financial Assurance and Responsibilities
Financial responsibilities and instruments required for waste management facilities
Business Guidance and Technical Assistance
Information and resources to help your business stay in compliance
Waste and Recycling Financial Assistance Opportunities
Funding for Brownfields redevelopment, scrap tire cleanup/ reuse, waste cleanup
Operating Facilities
Landfills, processors, tire haulers, waste generators, transporters, TSDs, tanks
What’s in Your Neighborhood – E-Start
Interactive map of hazardous sites and regulated facilities in your neighborhood
Missouri Solid Waste Management Map
Interactive map-permitted scrap tire and solid waste processing facilities and landfills