The following public notices have been issued for currently open public comment periods and scheduled public meetings, public hearings and other public events for Missouri's waste-related sites and regulated facilities. This list may include draft or proposed permits, rulemaking, state actions, plans, tax proposals and more. The department notifies the public of these events and opportunities to comment through newspaper legal notices, radio announcements and news releases, depending on the activity. Please feel free to participate in any opportunities that interest you. If you have questions about a specific facility or event, please email or call the department contact listed in the public notice. Hearing and speech-impaired individuals may reach us through Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966.
Please click on the specific public notice to access links to available electronic documents pertaining to that public notice and for information about how to submit written comments, if applicable. Permit applications and some supporting documents are not available due to their file size. Other available documents may be quite large, which may result in long download times for individuals with slow internet connections. If you have any problems accessing these documents, you can review and copy printed copies of the documents, and any additional supporting documents, at the department’s Elm Street Conference Center in Jefferson City, Missouri. To review or obtain copies of the department’s files, please submit an Open Records/ Sunshine Law Request.
You may use the fields below to search for a specific public notice. To sort the table by notice title or topic, either use the "sort by" dropdown field or click on the column headings in the table. To view closed public comment periods that ended within the last two years, use the date range fields.
Waste Management Program
Green America Recycling LLC
Waste Management Rulemaking
Regulatory Action Tracking System
Waste Management Rulemaking
Regulatory Action Tracking System
Waste Management Rulemaking
Regulatory Action Tracking System
Waste Management Program
BASF Corp. Hannibal Plant