The department works in many ways to protect, improve and maintain Missouri’s air quality as directed by the Missouri Air Conservation Law and the federal Clean Air Act. We issue permits, inspect sources of air pollution, evaluate locations for air monitoring equipment and analyze data collected from these monitors. The department provides financial and compliance assistance and, when necessary, enforcement action to address violations of air regulations. We find ways to reduce emissions across the state and develop state plans to meet federal standards. Learn more about what the department is doing to reduce air pollution and protect the health of Missouri's citizens and its visitors.
Citizens Guide to Air Rules and Regulations
Federal and state regulations written to address air quality
Citizens Guide to Air Permits
Permits specify how facilities must operate, monitor and report emissions
Air Financial Assistance Opportunities
Funding to help businesses finance projects to improve air quality
Volkswagen Trust Fund
A plan for awarding more than $41 million to Missouri-specific diesel projects
Air Initiatives
Projects to reduce diesel, greenhouse gas and nitrogen dioxide emissions; emissions trading
Technical Assistance
Information and resources to help businesses and municipalities stay in compliance