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The Interstate Mining Compact Commission (IMCC) is a multi-state governmental organization, whose focus is to support mining interests and related environmental protection issues affecting the states, particularly with respect to implementing related regulatory or public policy programs. The commission's purpose is to advance efforts to protect and restore land, water and other resources affected by mining through encouraging programs in each of the member states. The programs are designed to strike a balance between protecting, conserving and improving our natural resources and achieving and maintaining an efficient, productive and economically viable mining industry. For more information about IMCC, visit Interstate Mining Compact Commission.


Participation in the commission is gained through enacting legislation by the states, authorizing their entry into the commission. The member states remain part of the commission until the legislation enacted authorizing their entry is repealed. Missouri is a member of IMCC by state statute, found in Missouri Revised Statue sections 444.400 to 444.420, RSMo.

The commission includes one member and one alternate member from each state. The commission membership directory is available on IMCC's Officers and Committee Chairs webpage. The states are represented by their respective governors or their appointees. For Missouri, the Department of Natural Resources Director is the member, and the staff director of the Land Reclamation Commission is the alternate member.

  • Member: Kurt U. Schaefer, Director, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
  • Alternate Member: Guy Frazier, Land Reclamation Program Director


The commission meets twice a year, with the meeting location rotating between the member states. Information about upcoming meetings is available on IMCC's Meeting Information webpage.