Crest of an earth dam and its reservoir

The Missouri Dam and Reservoir Safety Council is responsible for administering Missouri Revised Statute sections 236.400 to 236.500. The council adopts and amends technological guidelines, standard guidelines, rules and regulations applicable to permits related to dam and reservoir safety. This includes the design, construction, maintenance, operation, alteration, repair, enlargement, reduction, removal or natural physical changes that may occur to a dam or reservoir. The council makes decisions on appeals from enforcement orders and permit conditions. When necessary, the council also begins legal actions to ensure compliance with Dam and Reservoir Safety laws and rules. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Dam and Reservoir Safety Program assists the council in its duties. 

Council Meetings

The council meets at least four times a year. Agenda items vary, but they typically include public hearings, actions on rules, requests for variances or work related to compliance issues. The public is welcome to attend these meetings, which may be in person, by conference call or through Webex. The department cannot guarantee the quality of the Webex or conference call options. The department attempts to correct any technical difficulties as they arise, but the meeting will not be subject to change or repeat due to any technical difficulties.

If you would like to address the council on any agenda item, you will need to notify the department before the meeting. You can do this by emailing the council secretary at if attending by Webex or conference call. If attending in person, you can complete a Speaker Request form that will be available at the registration table at the meeting.

Upcoming Meetings

Video Attendance Available!
Statewide, Missouri
More Info:
Join the March 12 meeting using Webex

Past Meetings

Missouri Geological Survey Annex Building
Rolla, Missouri

Litton Ag-Science Center
Chillicothe, Missouri

Statewide, Missouri

Missouri Geological Survey-Annex Building
Rolla, Missouri
Agenda Amended

Missouri Geological Survey-Annex Building
Rolla, Missouri
Agenda Amended

Missouri Geological Survey-Annex Building
Rolla, Missouri

Missouri Geological Survey - Annex Building
Rolla, Missouri

Missouri Geological Survey - Annex Building
Rolla, Missouri


Kyle Drury, PE
Representing: Industry, Earthmoving Contractors
Party Affiliation: Republican
Kim Dickerson
Representing: Industry
Party Affiliation: Republican
Dan Buxton, PE
Representing: Professional Engineer, General Public
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Jeffrey D. Cawlfield, PE
Representing: Engineering Geologist
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Eric Dove, PE
Representing: General Public
Party Affiliation: Republican
Representing: Owner of a dam or reservoir
Representing: Professional Engineer
Ryan Stack, PE, Dam and Reservoir Safety Program Director
MoDNR Staff Contact
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402
Cara Blevins
MoDNR Staff Assistant Contact
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402

Council Structure

The Missouri Dam and Reservoir Safety Council is made up of seven members, all of which are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate. All members must have a background of academic training or professional experience directly related to the design of dams and reservoirs.

  • At least two members must be professional engineers registered in the state of Missouri, one of which represents the general public
  • At least one member must be an engineering geologist
  • At least one member, in addition to the professional engineer, must represent the general public
  • Two members must represent industry, one of whom must be earthmoving contractors
  • One member shall be the owner of a dam or reservoir
  • Of the seven members, three must be from each of the three U.S. congressional districts in Missouri with the highest number of dams
  • No more than four members may be from the same political party

Council members serve two-year terms. If you are interested in serving on this council, a current Application for Gubernatorial Appointment is required for consideration. You can apply online on the Missouri Boards and Commissions website.