Missouri Revised Statute section 260.392, RSMo was passed by the Missouri General Assembly and became effective on Aug. 28, 2009. This statute provides information and requirements, including fees, related to shipping high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste, highway route controlled quantity (HRCQ) shipments, spent nuclear fuel or low-level radioactive waste in or through Missouri. The statue was later updated on Aug. 28, 2012, in part to adjust the fee structure for certain shipments. Missouri joins six other Midwestern states that have such fees in place: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and Wisconsin.
The department currently collects the fees before the waste is shipped and deposits it into the Environmental Radiation Monitoring Fund. The funds are used by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Department of Health and Senior Services, Department of Public Safety and Department of Transportation to cover costs incurred from activities related to the shipments, such as inspections, providing escorts and security for waste shipment and other planning activities. The fees are also used for coordinating emergency response capability; educating and training state, county and local emergency responders; purchasing and maintaining necessary equipment and supplies for state, county and local emergency responders; emergency responses; overseeing any necessary environmental remediation and administrative costs related to the shipments.
For questions related to the type of shipment proposed, and whether the shipment is subject to the radioactive materials shipment fee, please contact the department’s Environmental Remediation Program, Federal Facilities Section or email moradshipments@dnr.mo.gov.