Permits are required to build, erect, alter, replace, operate, use or maintain existing point sources of water pollution. The majority of our permits are for discharging treated wastewater from domestic and industrial facilities. We also issue permits for land application of wastes from domestic, industrial and agricultural facilities. Our permits usually specify requirements for regular wastewater sampling at the discharge points. In the case of land application, the permit specifies the methods by which wastes are handled and disposed. Permits also specify water quality standards for any discharges.

Most wastewater permits are written to be site-specific, issued to that one location to reflect the unique nature of the wastewater or the receiving water. These permits are normally effective for five years. As a permit nears its expiration, it is redrafted, modified if needed and made available for public review and comment for 30 days on the department's Water Public Notices webpage. After the public comment period ends, the department reviews the comments. The permit is then either issued with needed changes or modified and put on public notice again to resolve any concerns.

Master general permits, as opposed to site-specific permits, are issued to multiple locations where activities are similar enough to be covered by a single set of requirements. For wastewater discharges, these permits are identified by the prefix MO-G in the permit number. The conditions in master general permits are also made available for public review and comment for 30 days before being issued to applicants. General permits for airports, limestone and rock quarries, lubricant manufacturing and petroleum storage greater than 50,000 gallons are required to be made available for public review and comment before issuance to a new facility. After finalization, a general permit cannot be modified. All facilities receiving a general permit must follow the conditions contained in that general permit until it expires or until the facility obtains a site-specific permit.

Applications in Process

Information about permit applications in process is available in the departments's Missouri Clean Water Information Systems (MoCWIS) application. The Applications in Process Searchprovides a list of water pollution permit applications received by the department. An application is considered ‘In Process’ from the date it is received until it is closed. An application is closed when the permit is issued, the application is denied or the application is withdrawn by the applicant.

New Master General Permits in Development

MO-K900000 Animal Care Facilities

This new general permit will pertain to land application and subsurface dispersal of industrial wastewater and mixed industrial/ domestic wastewater, including treatment residuals, from Animal Care Facilities. This permit will include, but is not limited to, facilities such as veterinary facilities, animal shelters, boarding facilities and pet groomers. Permitted facilities will be those that are not connected to a wastewater treatment facility and that use land application, subsurface injection or composting to manage waste streams. This permit does not cover Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs), Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) or other forms of animal agriculture.

Master General Permits

Permit Effective Date Expiration Date Additional Files Description
MO-G010000 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Form F - Application for Construction Permit for Concentrated Animal Feeding Op…

SIC #0211, 0212, 0213, 0214, 0241, 0251, 0252, 0253, 0254, 0259 or 0272

Process wastes are collected and reused as fertilizer by spreading onto agricultural fields at agricultural rates. There is no-discharge except during storms exceeding the design storm event.

For more information, visit Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Permits.

MO-G050000 Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation > 5 Acres MO-G05000 Permit Requirements for Land Reclamation Projects

SIC #9512 - Land, Mineral, Wildlife and Forest Conservation

Land reclamation projects involving land disturbance and projects consisting solely of pond and shaft dewatering under control of the department's Land Reclamation Program.

SIC #1629 - Heavy construction, Not Elsewhere Classified

Surface discharges from these reclamation projects will result from rainfall runoff/ impoundment discharges and shaft pumping. Sediment will be controlled during construction with filter fabric, check dams, sediment ponds, straw bales or other Best Management Practices, which will minimize sediment loss.

These projects may also involve stockpiling biosolids for reclamation use. Best Management Practices will be employed at these sites.

MO-G130000 Fish Farms/ Hatcheries

SIC #0273 and 0921

Process wastewater discharges from freshwater and saline Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production facilities using flow-through systems, impoundments or recirculating systems. This permit also authorizes the land application of waste solids produced as part of normal operation, cleaning processes or maintenance in these facilities.

*The department will be modifying this permit in response to the new additions in Missouri Clean Water Law regarding land application of industrial wastewater and wastewater treatment residuals. This is the official Notice of Intent for modification.

If you have any questions regarding this new permit, please contact our permitting staff by phone at 573-526-3337 or email at

MO-G140000 Oil/ Water Separators

SIC #5541 and 4959

Discharge from oil/ water separators and similar waste water treatment devices whose sole function is the treatment of stormwater or water without detergents or additives used to rinse or wash down pavements. This permit applies to establishments such as vehicle repair shops, transformer stations and pipeline compressor stations. It does not apply to establishments required to apply for a permit under the stormwater regulations or the discharges of wastewater treatment devices for treating vehicle or equipment wash waters.

MO-G220000 Small Meat Processors Form P - Application for MOG22 Processing Meat and Meat Products General Permit…

SIC #2011-2015 and 2077 

Wastewater, stormwater, surface land irrigation and subsurface soil dispersal from the following industries including, but not limited to, meat first processing (slaughterhouses), meat further processing, renderers, poultry first processors, poultry further processing with SIC Codes #0751, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2077. These permit conditions incorporate provisions in 40 CFR 432.

*The department will be modifying this permit in response to the new additions in Missouri Clean Water Law regarding land application of industrial wastewater and wastewater treatment residuals. This is the official Notice of Intent for modification.

If you have any questions regarding this new permit, please contact our permitting staff by phone at 573-526-3337 or email at

MO-G251000 Heat Pumps

SIC #3585, 5084, 1711 and 4961

Discharge from non-recirculating heat pumps, to surface water only.

MO-G350000 Petroleum Storage <250,000 Gallons

SIC #5171

Stormwater discharges from facilities with above ground storage capacity of pre-consumer or post-consumer petroleum products, ethanol or biodiesel totaling more than 20,000 gallons, but less than 250,000 gallons.

MO-G490000 Limestone Quarries

SIC #1411, 1422,1429, 1446 and SIC Major Group Codes 29 and 32

Stormwater and other specified discharges from limestone and other rock quarries, concrete, glass and asphalt industries.

MO-G500000 Sand and Gravel Washing

SIC #1442 and 1446

Process wastewater, mine/pit dewatering, and/or stormwater discharges associated with sand and gravel mining/dredging, processing, and stockpiles.

MO-G640000 Water Treatment Plant Settling Basins

SIC #4941

Process wastewater discharges associated with water treatment plant filter backwash water and solids. Allows operation of wastewater and sludge holding systems as well as land application of water treatment plant sludge. 

MO-G641000 Zeolite Softeners MO-G641000 Permit Requirements for Zeolite Water Softener Filter Backwash

SIC #4941

Discharges of backwash water from water softening units. Zeolite filter backwash discharges.

MO-G670000 Hydrostatic Testing of Pipelines and Storage Tanks

All Outfalls - All SIC Codes

Hydrostatic testing of Pipelines and Storage Tanks.

MO-G690000 Discharges from Dredged Aggregate to Lakes, Rivers, Harbors

SIC #1629 and 1442

Dredging return water and stormwater runoff from dredged material deposition sites and other disturbance resulting from maintenance dredging of lakes and rivers discharged to waters other than Missouri and Mississippi Rivers.

MO-G698000 Discharges from Dredged Aggregate to Big Rivers

SIC #144

Discharge of wash water, stormwater and return water from aggregate dredging operations on the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers.


MO-G750000 Car Wash

SIC #7542

Wastewater treatment systems for no-discharge exterior vehicle and equipment wash facilities. This includes no-discharge surface land application systems and a provision allowing no-discharge surface land application from animal truck wash off and wash out for facilities independent of Animal Feeding Operations. The operation is to be designed and operated as a no-discharge facility.

MO-G760000 Swimming Pools Discharges

SIC #5999, 7000, 7010, 7030, 7032, 7996, 7997, 7999

Discharge of filter backwash and pool drainage from swimming pools and lined ponds which use chlorine as a sanitizer.


MO-G821000 Land Application of Domestic Wastewater Biosolids

All Outfalls - SIC #4952

Land application of domestic septage not to exceed 10,000 gallons per acre per year.

MO-G822000 Land Application of Food Processing Wastewater Form E - Application for General Permit Under Missouri Clean Water Law MO 780-0…

SIC #200x, 2021-2099 and 5812 No-Discharge Facility

Land Application or subsurface dispersal system of wastes from the following industries including, but not limited to, SIC 20xx - Light Commercial Food Products Industry and SIC 5812 - Eating Places (restaurant grease traps) onto grass land, crop land or timber land for use as fertilizer and soil amendment. SIC Codes 2011-2015 for Meat Products and SIC Code 2077 for Animal and Marine Fats and Oils will receive coverage under MO-G220000.

*The department will be modifying this permit in response to the new additions in Missouri Clean Water Law regarding land application of industrial wastewater and wastewater treatment residuals. This is the official Notice of Intent for modification.

If you have any questions regarding this new permit, please contact our permitting staff by phone at 573-526-3337 or email at

MO-G823000 Land Application of Domestic Wastewater

SIC #4952, 6515 and 8641

No-discharge, private, domestic wastewater treatment facilities with design flows of less than 50,000 gallons per day.


MO-G840000 Clay Pits

SIC #1455 and 1459

Discharge of stormwater, snowmelt and infiltration water from a clay pit or mine.

MO-G870000 Pesticide Applications

SIC #0851, 4959 and 8999 (including, but not limited to)

Point source discharges of pesticides to waters of the state for the specific pesticide use patterns as defined in this permit. The permit requires that applicators implement site specific control practices and other pest management strategies that are designed to minimize discharges of pesticides to waters of the State.

MO-G920000 Feedstock Compost Sites

SIC #2875

Mixed feedstock composting operations under 20 acres. The operation is to be designed and operated as a no-discharge facility.

MO-G940000 Petroleum Impacted Water Remediation MO-G940000 Petroleum Impacted Water Permit Exemption - PUB3075

SIC # - All SIC codes may be covered under this permit when remediating petroleum impacted water

Wastewater or stormwater discharges associated with petroleum impacted water at any industrial or commercial facility. 

MO-G970000 Yard Waste Compost Sites

SIC #2875

Stormwater runoff and compost wastewater discharges from yard waste composting operations less than 20 acres in size. Flow is dependent upon precipitation.


MO-GC00000 Sewer Extension Construction (GC)

SIC #4952

This permit authorizes the construction of gravity sewer extensions, force mains and lift stations. Storage basins, considered part of the collection system, are also included. Earthen basins are not included under this permit. As the department does not examine structural features of design or the efficiency of mechanical equipment, the issuance of this permit does not include approval of these features.

MO-GD00000 Treatment Works ≤ 50,000 Gallons in Lakes/ Reservoirs

SIC #4952, 6515 and 8641

Domestic treatment works discharging less than or equal to 50,000 gallons per day into lakes or reservoirs.

MO-GDS0000 Treatment Works ≤ 50,000 Gallons in Rivers/ Streams

SIC #4952, 6515 and 8641

Domestic treatment works discharging less than or equal to 50,000 gallons per day into rivers or streams. 

*This is a new master general permit, originally part of Master General Permit MO-GD00000. 


MO-GS10000 State No-Discharge Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Form W - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Operating Permit Applicat…

SIC #0211, 0212, 0213, 0214, 0241, 0251, 0252, 0253, 0254, 0259 or 0272

Process wastes are collected and managed as fertilizer by spreading onto agricultural fields at agricultural rates according to this permit.

For more information, visit Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Permits.

MO-GSE0000 Sewer Extension Construction (GSE)

SIC #4952

This permit authorizes the construction of gravity sewer extensions, force mains, and lift stations. Non-earthen flow equalization storage basins at lift stations and inline storage, which flows back into the lift station or collection system, are also included.

Standard Conditions

These minimum conditions apply to all permits where incorporated by reference unless superseded by requirements specific in the permit.

Standard Condition Part I

This document of standard conditions incorporate permit conditions as required by 40 CFR 122.41 or applicable state statues or regulations.  These minimum conditions include sampling, monitoring, and recording; reporting requirements; bypass and upset requirements; and administrative requirements.

Standard Condition Part II

This document of standard conditions notes conditions for publicly owned treatment works specific to industrial users, including definitions, identification of industrial discharges, application information and notice to the department.

Standard Condition Part III

This document of standard conditions outline specific requirements for biosolids and sludge from domestic treatment facilities. This part includes general requirements, definitions, mechanical wastewater treatment facilities, biosolids or sludge disposed at other treatment facility or by contract hauler, incineration of sludge, surface disposal sites and biosolids and sludge lagoons, land application of biosolids, septage, closure requirements, monitoring frequency and record-keeping and reporting requirements.

Permit Renewals

Permittees must submit a completed application for the renewal of a permit at least 180 days prior to expiration of a site-specific permit. The following forms must be included (may need more than one): Domestic wastewater systems are those listed as publicly owned treatment works (POTW), or discharge primarily kitchen and/or bathroom wastewater. Industrial facilities are those having industrial wastewater, including cooling water, and/or stormwater discharges for qualifying industries as found in 10 CSR 20-6.200. Domestic wastewater at industrial facilities is included under the industrial operating permit but additional forms may be required, see below

Completed forms should be submitted via e-mail to For questions, please contact your previous permit writer, the regional office, email, or call the Operating Permits Section at (573) 522-4502.
