Water in a stream flowing over rocks

The Missouri Clean Water Commission supervises the administration and enforcement of the Missouri Clean Water Law (Missouri Revised Statute Chapter 644, RSMo). Established in 1972 by the Missouri General Assembly, to take the place of the Water Pollution Board originally assigned under the Missouri Department of Public Health and Welfare. The commission was later reassigned to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, when the department was created under the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974.

The commission brings together and coordinates all aspects of water quality in an effort to ensure the state’s progress toward protecting, preserving and improving water quality in Missouri. In coordination with industry, citizens and local governments, the commission develops comprehensive plans and programs for preventing, controlling and reducing new or existing sources of pollution. The commission makes decisions on matters brought on appeal and administers variance requests. With assistance from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Water Protection Program, the commission develops Missouri’s Water Quality Standards and Missouri’s list of impaired waters. When necessary, the commission also takes enforcement action against those who violate the Missouri Clean Water Law and regulations. The commission also establishes funding priorities and oversees financial assistance to protect and preserve water quality. 

Commission Meetings

The commission meets at least four times a year. Agenda items vary, but they typically include public hearings, actions on rules, requests for variances or work related to compliance issues. The public is welcome to attend these meetings, which may be in person, by conference call or through Webex. The department cannot guarantee the quality of the Webex or conference call options. The department attempts to correct any technical difficulties as they arise, but the meeting will not be subject to change or repeat due to any technical difficulties.

If you would like to address the commission on any agenda item, you will need to notify the department before the meeting. You can do this by emailing the commission secretary at krista.welschmeyer@dnr.mo.gov if attending by Webex or conference call. If attending in person, you can complete a Speaker Request form that will be available at the registration table at the meeting.

Upcoming Meetings

Video Attendance Available!
Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

More Info:
Join the Oct. 9 meeting using Webex

Video Attendance Available!
Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

Video Attendance Available!
Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

Video Attendance Available!
Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

Video Attendance Available!
Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

Past Meetings

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Video Attendance Available!
More Info:
Join the July 10 meeting using Webex
Rocky Mount Sewer District Proposed Variance Public Comment Period
Proposed FY2025 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan Public Comment Period
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Briefing Packet July 10, 2024

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Video Attendance Available!
More Info:
Video Recording Available
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Briefing Packet May 1, 2024

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
More Info:
Video Recording Available
Jefferson County Public Sewer District (JCPSD) Variance Public Comment Period
Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Proposed Variance Public Comment Period
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, April 10, 2024

Statewide, Missouri
Agenda Amended
More Info:
Video Recording, Jan. 10, 2024
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Jan. 10, 2024
Clean Water Commission, 2023 Issued Permits Report

Statewide, Missouri
More Info:
Video Recording, Nov. 8, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
More Info:
Gravois Arm Sewer District Phase 6 Sewer Extension Proposed Variance Public Comment Period
Video Recording, Oct. 11, 2023
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Oct. 11, 2023
Clean Water Commission Meeting Closed Session Minutes, Oct. 11, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building with virtual option offered
Jefferson City, Missouri
More Info:
Video Recording Sept. 8, 2023
Additional Materials:
Ruby's Landing Amended AHC Decision
Ruby's Landing Respondent's Exhibits
Ruby's Landing Petitioner's Exhibits
Ruby's Landing Respondent's Reply Brief
Ruby's Landing Respondent's Pre-Hearing Brief
Ruby's Landing Respondent's Post-Hearing Brief
Ruby's Landing Respondent's Answer
Ruby's Landing Petitioner's Trial Brief
Ruby's Landing Petitioner's Final Brief
Ruby's Landing Petitioner Complaint
Clean Water Commission Meeting Closed Session Minutes, Sept. 8, 2023

Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District-Bissell Point Wastewater Facility
St. Louis, Missouri
More Info:
Prospect Lakes and Kinder Farms Variance Public Comment Periods
Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan Public Comment Period, June 7 - July 19
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, July 12, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet (amended), April 12, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Agenda Amended
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Jan. 11, 2023
Clean Water Compliance and Enforcement Actions Report, Fiscal Year 2022
Clean Water Commission Issued Permits Report, Calendar Year 2022
EPA Review of 2022 Missouri Water Quality Standards

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Nov. 4, 2022

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, July 7, 2022
Recreational Water Quality Criteria for Cyanotoxins Presentation by MoDNR, July 7, 2022
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Sampling at Missouri Public Water Systems and the Regulatory Process Presentation by MoDNR, July 7, 2022
Missouri's 303(d) Listing Methodology Document Presentation by MoDNR, July 6, 2022

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, April 28, 2022

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri
Agenda Amended
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Jan. 14, 2022


Ashley McCarty
Representing: Agriculture, Industry or Mining
Novinger, MO
Neal Bredehoeft
Representing: Public
Alma, MO
Stan Coday
Representing: Agriculture, Industry or Mining
Seymour, MO
Mark Pierce
Representing: Public
John Reece
Representing: Wastewater Treatment Works
Lee’s Summit, MO
Allen Rowland
Representing: Public
Dexter, MO
Representing: Public
Timothy Duggan
Attorney General's Office Contact
Missouri Attorney General's Office
P.O. Box 899
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0899
John Hoke, Water Protection Program Director
MoDNR Staff Contact
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
Krista Welschmeyer
MoDNR Staff Assistant Contact
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Commission Structure

The Missouri Clean Water Commission is made up of seven members, all of which are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate. All members represent the general interest of the public and have an interest in and knowledge of conservation and the effects and control of water contaminants. All members must have demonstrated an interest and knowledge of water quality.

  • Two members must be knowledgeable concerning the needs of agriculture, industry or mining and interested in protecting these needs in a manner consistent with the purposes of sections 644.006 to 644.141, RSMo
  • One member must be knowledgeable concerning the needs of publicly owned wastewater treatment works
  • Four members must represent the public
  • No more than four members may be from the same political party

Commissioners serve four-year terms and until successors are selected and qualified. If you are interested in serving on this commission, a current Application for Gubernatorial Appointment is required for consideration. You can apply online on the Missouri Boards and Commissions website.