Missouri's rivers and streams are vital resources. Nearly half of all Missourians receive their drinking water from the river. Rivers and streams are crucial to our state for the power generation, water supply, river commerce, fish and wildlife habitat and the recreation they provide.
The department partners with the U.S. Geological Survey to operate a network of streamgages in Missouri that provide current conditions of Missouri’s streamflow. Information from streamgages is used by a wide range of stakeholders in Missouri. Streamgages provide critical information before and during floods, which are among the most frequent and costly natural disasters. Much like a weather forecast, information from streamgages can provide accurate flood magnitude and crest forecasts, allowing municipalities and emergency responders to save human life and property. Recreation outfitters and the public use streamgages to determine if conditions are safe for canoeing and kayaking. Streamgages also can provide valuable information to communities leading up to and during droughts to understand their water supply availability. Boat operators transporting goods on our large rivers use streamgages to determine how heavy the barges can be loaded, which may save transportation costs. Boat operators also use streamgages to ensure safety by determining whether there is enough water in the channel for safe transit.
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