Water is one of Missouri’s most abundant and precious resources. Missouri’s lakes, rivers, streams, springs, wetlands and groundwater provide drinking water, recreational and tourism opportunities, wildlife habitat, water for agriculture and industrial uses, and more. Groundwater is a main source of drinking water for most Missourians and provides much of the water used to irrigate crops. 

We at the Missouri Department of Natural Resources help protect our water by monitoring its quality and quantity, setting standards and controlling what goes into it. Protecting our water resources will also protect human health, our ecosystems and Missouri’s economy.

Groundwater - Aquifers
Information about water found underground in Missouri's soil, sand and rock
Missouri is home to more than 4,500 springs
Losing Streams
A losing stream is a stream where a significant amount of its water flows underground
Streams and Rivers
The department partners with USGS to support the network of streamgages in Missouri
Real-time water surface elevations for drinking water reservoirs
Interstate Waters
Staff coordinate issues relating to major river basins that affect Missouri
Information about Missouri's unique transition areas between dry land and open waters
Information about areas of land that drain water into Missouri's waterbodies
Water Levels
Monitoring groundwater, lake and stream levels
Current Missouri flooding conditions, guidance and assistance
Current Missouri drought conditions, guidance and assistance
State Park Beaches
Weekly water quality results from Missouri State Park beaches
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Missouri Geological Survey Publications
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Missouri Hydrology Information Center (MoHIC)
Providing communities needed information to ensure their safety and protect property