Stormwater flows from a concrete outfall pipe into a stream

The goal of the federal Clean Water Act, found in U.S. Code 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq., is "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters."  Missouri’s water quality standards establish pollutant limits to protect drinking water supply, fishing, swimming, aquatic life and other designated uses. When waterbodies fail to meet state water quality standards, they are considered impaired waters. 

The Clean Water Act requires states to develop total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for all waters listed on its 303(d) list of impaired waters. TMDLs are tools to inform watershed planning. They calculate the maximum amount of a specific pollutant, or load, a water body can absorb and still meet water quality standards. This calculated loading is then divided between the various pollutant sources in the watershed and becomes the goal, or loading target, to restore water quality.

In Missouri, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources develops TMDLs. Each TMDL document includes load allocations for all pollutant sources. It also includes an implementation plan to identify how the load will be reduced to a level that will protect water quality. The implementation strategies document provides guidance for achieving the TMDL targets and describes ways in which stakeholders in the watershed can reduce pollutant loading to the impaired streams. The plan also identifies potential partnerships and funding sources.

Additional Information

Development Prioritizing and Scheduling

Impaired waters are ranked as high, medium or low priority for TMDL development. For impairments ranked as high priority, a specific year is given for when a TMDL may be developed. All priority rankings and development schedules are reevaluated with each new 303(d) list of impaired waters.

Impairments identified as high priority in the 2022 Section 303(d) list and as scheduled to begin development in 2022 will be provided to EPA for including in the national bridge metric goals. These are called “bridge metrics” because this is just a temporary metric bridging the gap between the 2013-2022 and the 2024-2034 metrics. Beginning with the 2024 Section 303(d) list, a more formalized national 303(d) framework will be implemented. The Missouri water bodies included in the bridge metrics are identified by an asterisk next to the Water Body Identification Number in the TMDLs Under Development tab.

Under Development

All draft TMDLs are made available for review and comment during a 45-day public comment period. Email public comments or questions about TMDLs to

TMDL Documents Under Development

*Missouri water bodies included as part of the national bridge metrics
HUC 8Water Body Identification Number and NamePollutantComments
  • 218 - Peruque Creek
  • 7054 - Lake St. Louis, St. Charles County
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment

The draft TMDL and Nine Element Watershed Based Plan documents are available for public review and comment from Jan. 24, 2025 to March 10, 2025. For more information, review the Peruque Creek public notice.

  • 1781 - Cinque Hommes Creek, Perry County
  • 1786 - McCanahan Creek, Perry County
  • 1792 - Dry Fork, Perry County
  • 1794 - Omete Creek, Perry County
  • 1796 - Brazeau Creek, Perry County
E. coli

EPA accepted alternative restoration approach on May 5, 2021. These water body impairments will be subcategorized as 5-alt on the 2022 303(d) List and TMDL development will be prioritized as Low.

  • 3825 - Black Creek, St. Louis County
  • 3826 - Deer Creek, St. Louis County
ChlorideTMDL under development
  • *3570 - Dutro Carter Creek, Phelps County
E. coliTMDL under development
  • *2080 - Big River, Washington, St. Francois, Jefferson counties
  • *2113 - Salt Pine Creek, Washington County
  • *2114 - Tributary to Old Mines Creek, Washington County
  • *2166 - Eaton Branch, St. Francois County
  • *2171 - Koen Creek, St. Francois County
  • *3282 - Turkey Creek, St. Francois County
  • 3938 - Flat River Tributary, St. Francois County

The draft TMDL document was available for public review and comment from April 7, 2023 to May 22, 2023.

  • 312 - Platte River
E. coli

An updated draft TMDL and implementation strategies documents are available for a second public review from Feb. 7, 2025 to March 24, 2025. For more information, review the Platte River public notice.

  • *7386 - Harrison County Lake, Harrison County
Chlorophyll-aTMDL under development
  • 7238 - Pomme de Terre Lake, Hickory/ Polk County
  • 1440 - Pomme de Terre River, Polk County
E. coli
TMDL under development
  • 847 - Lamine River
  • 893 - Muddy Creek
E. coliTMDL under development
  • 7189 - Blind Pony Lake
Chlorophyll-aTMDL under development
  • 3160 - Spring River, Jasper County
  • 3164 - Spring River, Lawrence County
  • 3165 - Spring River, Lawrence County
  • 3186 - N. Fk. Spring River, Jasper County
  • 3188 - N. Fk. Spring River, Jasper County
  • 3190 - Opossum Creek, Jasper County
  • 3169 - Honey Creek, Lawrence County
  • 3170 - Honey Creek, Lawrence County
  • 3199 - Duval Creek, Jasper County
  • 3189 - Dry Fork, Jasper County
  • 3754 - Slater Branch, Jasper County
  • 4112 - Spring River Tributary, Jasper County
  • 3174 - Truitt Creek, Lawrence County
  • 3175 - Truitt Creek, Lawrence County
  • 3182 - White Oak Creek, Jasper County
  • 3171 - Williams Creek, Lawrence County
  • 3172 - Williams Creek, Lawrence County
E. coliTMDL under development

Approved TMDLs

Click on the image to access online locational data for impaired water bodies or lakes.

Approved TMDLs are the final TMDL document, as approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency after public notice and comment. Access to final TMDL documents are provided below in two different formats. The only difference is the amount of additional information provided about the impaired water body or lake.

  • Missouri Approved or Established Total Maximum Daily Loads - A PDF document containing minimal information about the impaired water body or lake and links to the final TMDL document and implementation document, if available.
  • Impaired Waters and TMDL Map Viewer - An online ArcGIS map that shows locational data for the impaired water body or lake. Detailed information about the water body is accessed by clicking on the line or polygon segments on the map. Included in the water body information are links to the final TMDL document and implementation document, if available. Although the department compiled the map information, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the department as to the accuracy of the data and related materials.
  • Tools and Resources for Watershed Planning and Improvement - A TMDL identifies water quality problems, possible causes and provides targets for restoration. However, actual water quality improvements are often dependent upon voluntary actions and support from local communities and landowners residing within the watershed.