Jan. 24 - Mar. 10 — Statewide
Peruque Creek Draft Total Maximum Daily Load and Watershed Plan Public Comment Period, Jan. 24, 2025 to March 10, 2025

A draft total maximum daily load (TMDL) and Nine Element Watershed Based Plan for Peruque Creek are available for public review and comment until March 10, 2025.

Area of Focus: Water
Event Type: Public Notice/ Public Comment
Organization: Water Protection Program

A draft total maximum daily load (TMDL) and Nine Element Watershed Based Plan for Peruque Creek are available for public review and comment until March 10, 2025. This waterbody is located in Warren and St. Charles counties. Written comments may be submitted by mail to Sebastien Clos-Versailles, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Water Protection Program, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176, or by email to Please provide your name, address and phone number when submitting comments.

TMDLs are tools to inform watershed planning. They calculate the maximum amount of a specific pollutant, or load, a water body can absorb and still meet water quality standards. This calculated loading is then divided between the various pollutant sources in the watershed and becomes the goal, or loading target, to restore water quality. The draft TMDL proposes pollutant loading targets to address total suspended solids (sediment) loading to Peruque Creek. 

The watershed based plan provides guidance for achieving the TMDL’s nonpoint source loading targets. This document describes voluntary approaches that people living in the watershed can use to help reduce bacteria loading to the impaired streams. This document also identifies potential partnerships and funding sources. 

The pubic can review electronic copies of the draft TMDL and watershed plan documents below. Paper copies of the draft documents can be obtained from the department's Water Protection Program by calling 573-751-5723.

Meeting or Hearing
No public meeting or public hearing scheduled.

Event Documents