Throughout the year, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the systems we oversee and regulate produce and issue various reports. The department realizes some of the electronic files can be quite large, which may result in long download times for individuals with slow internet connections. If you have any problems accessing these documents, contact the department program mentioned under that report heading.
Biological Assessments Reports
Reports providing findings about biological assessment studies of Missouri waterways
Capacity Development Strategy Reports
Triennial report about the effectiveness of Missouri's capacity development strategy
Census of Missouri Public Water Systems
Annual report about volume, source water type, population and other characteristics
Chronic Violators
Drinking water systems that have chronically failed to do required bacteriological testing
Consumer Confidence Reports
Community water supplies provide an annual drinking water summary to their customers
Drinking Water Annual Compliance Report
MoDNR submits this report to EPA to document public water system violations
Finding of Affordability Annual Reports
MoDNR report on decisions about the impact of rate changes for sewer services
Nonpoint Source Management Plan Annual Progress Reports
MoDNR report on progress made towards the state's Nonpoint Source Management Plan goals
Section 305(b) Integrated Water Quality Report
MoDNR report summarizing water quality issues and the status of Missouri's waters
State Revolving Fund Reports
Reports describing the sources and uses of all funds and program's financial status