The following table contains electronic copies of all currently effective site-specific wastewater permits — not master general permits — issued by the department. These facilities have been authorized to either discharge to waters of the state, or to operate a no-discharge wastewater treatment facility. These permits are written to be site-specific, issued to that one location to reflect the unique nature of the wastewater or the receiving water. The list includes Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permits, stormwater permits, wastewater permits and underground injection control well permits. The permits are consistent with applicable water quality standards, effluent standards or treatment requirements or suitable timetables to meet these requirements (10 CSR 20-7.015 and 7.031).

The department will add each site specific wastewater permit as it is issued. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please submit an Open Records/ Sunshine Law Request.

To sort the table below by field, click on the column headings in the table. You can also enter criteria in the search boxes to search for a specific wastewater permit.

*This is an "and" type search. All search criteria you enter must be met for the permit to appear in the results. If the permit you are searching for is not listed in the results, try again using less criteria.

Effective Date Between
Permit Number Applicant/ Facility County Effective Date Expiration Date Type
MOGC00715 Bear Ridge Jefferson Construction
MOGC00713 Franklin County Public Water Supply District No. 3-Victoria Gardens Wastewater Treatment Plant Franklin Construction
MOGC00690 Sanctuary at Riss Lake Platte Construction
CP0002415 ReHope Wastewater Treatment Facility-Packaged Plant Cass Construction
CPSE01097 City of Moberly-Sparks Ave Lift Station Force Main and Sewer Extension, C295648-02 Randolph Construction
CP0002404 Elk Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant-Finley River Force Main Earthen Berm Flow Equalization Basin Christian Construction
MOGC00707 Antonia Estates Jefferson Construction
MOGC00702 Highway 86 Sanitary Sewer Taney Construction
MOGC00703 Grandview Plaza Mobile Home Park-Construction Washington Construction
MOGC00701 Hillside Estates Cass Construction
MOGC00710 Oaks of Edgewood 13-20 Jackson Construction
MOGC00711 Southfork Estates Phase 1 Christian Construction
MOGC00697 Innsbrook Estates Wastewater Treatment Plant Warren Construction
CP0002400 Trump Ridge Wastewater Treatment Facility-UV Disinfection Clark Construction
MOGC00699 Lee's Summit Downtown Market Jackson Construction
MOGC00704 Valley Ridge Estates Phase 2 Christian Construction
CPSE01102 Boone County Commission-Bolli Road NID Wastewater Improvements, C295299-03 Boone Construction
CP0002373 Mayview Wastewater Treatment Facility and Collection Upgrades, C295849-01 Lafayette Construction
MO0129356 Auburn Lake Wastewater Treatment Facility Lincoln Operating
MO0126292 Butterfield Wastewater Treatment Facility Barry Operating
MO0107719 Center Wastewater Treatment Facility Ralls Operating
MOGD00676 Cherokee Lakes Campground Wastewater Treatment Plant St. Charles Operating
MO0094706 City of New Cambria Wastewater Treatment Facility Macon Operating
MO0128856 Clover Hill Estates Wastewater Treatment Plant Cape Girardeau Operating
MO0136336 Enclave Apartments Wastewater Treatment Facility Cape Girardeau Operating
MO0138061 Foster South Mine Bates Operating
MO0121282 Heit's Point Lutheran Ministries Camp Wastewater Treatment Facility Benton Operating
MO0107808 Hudson R-9 School District Wastewater Treatment Facility Bates Operating
MO0048712 Knob Noster Wastewater Treatment Facility Johnson Operating
MO0112704 Lathrop Wastewater Treatment Facility Clinton Operating
MO0123561 Meadowbrook Valley Estates Wastewater Treatment Facility Jefferson Operating
MO0121550 Missouri-American Water Co.-Benton County Wastewater Treatment Facility Benton Operating
MO0098817 Missouri-American Water Co.-Incline Village No. 1 Wastewater Treatment Facility Warren Operating
MO0026310 Mountain View Wastewater Treatment Plant Howell Operating
MO0114685 New Hampton Wastewater Treatment Facility Harrison Operating
MOGC00668 Noel Neighborhood Municipal Tie-In McDonald Construction
MO0055026 Parkwood Lake Estates Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Facility Cape Girardeau Operating
MOGS10645 Quality Farms Inc. McDonald Operating
MO0054941 Ripley County R-3 School District Wastewater Treatment Facility Ripley Operating
MO0126322 Springfield Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Greene Operating
MO0116084 Stoutsville Resort and RV Park Wastewater Treatment Facility Monroe Operating
MO0130257 Timbers Subdivision Wastewater Treatment Plant Stone Operating
MO0109142 Villages at Whiteman Wastewater Treatment Facility Johnson Operating
MO0036218 Wood Heights Wastewater Treatment Plant Ray Operating
MOGC00693 Garner Water and Sewer Howell Construction
CP0002325 Indian Point Water Association Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2-MBR Expansion Stone Construction
CP0002394 Lower Big River Regionalization Phase 1 Jefferson Construction
CP0002384 Pike Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant-Oxidation Ditch Butler Construction
MOGC00688 Emory Creek Ranch Wastewater Treatment Plant Taney Construction
MOGC00686 Estates, The Boone Construction