A wastewater treatment plant in Columbia

The sites listed below may be of special interest to local citizens. The links provide detailed information about the ongoing activities at these sites. If you have a concern regarding a specific site, please contact the department contacted listed for that site.


  • Denali Water Solutions LLC submitted two wastewater operating permit permit applications, one for Denali-Evans Lagoon (MO-0140325) and the other for Denali-Gideon Lagoon (MO-0140309). On the basis of preliminary staff review and applying applicable standards and regulations, the department proposed to deny the operating permit applications. On Aug. 23, 2024, the department accepted Denali's request to withdraw both permit applications. More information is provided below under the Denali tab. 
  • American Foods Development Co. LLC submitted a wastewater operating permit application for a new facility, America’s Heartland Packing Wastewater Treatment Facility. On the basis of preliminary staff review and applying applicable standards and regulations, the department issued a draft operating permit for public review and comment. The department invites the public to review and offer written comments on the draft permit and scheduled two public hearings an opportunity for the public to provide verbal comments to the department. More information is provided below under the American Foods tab.
  • For more information regarding ongoing efforts related to land application of industrial wastewater and wastewater treatment residuals, please visit our Land Application webpage.

American Foods

On April 8, 2022, Woodard & Curran Inc. submitted an Antidegradation Report and applications for a new 3.5 million gallon per day (MGD) facility for American Foods Group, later changed to American Foods Development Co., and Public Water Supply District No. 2, in Wright City, Missouri. American Foods is proposing to process 2,400 cows per day, which contributes 1.5 MGD of the proposed 3.5 MGD. The long-term plan is to incorporate flows from the Wright City South Wastewater Treatment Facility and provide additional treatment capabilities for community growth while accommodating water quality goals. The draft water quality and antidegradation review received significant public comments based on concerns with silt accumulation in Lake St. Louis. The department will address responses to comments made on the draft water quality and antidegradation review in the public notice for the proposed operating permit.


Geohydrologic Evaluations

Peruque Creek and Watershed Information

Antidegradation Review

On Dec. 8, 2023, American Foods Development Co. LLC submitted a wastewater operating permit application for a new facility, America’s Heartland Packing Wastewater Treatment Facility, with an update submitted Jan. 16, 2024. This industrial facility is exempt from construction permitting, according to 10 CSR 20-6.010(5)(A)5. On the basis of preliminary staff review and applying applicable standards and regulations, the department issued a draft operating permit for public review and comment. The department invited the public to review and offer written comments on the draft permit and scheduled two public hearings an opportunity for the public to provide verbal comments to the department. After considering all public comments, the department issued a final operating permit on July 1, 2024.

The facility is expected to transfer to the district shortly after the industrial permit is issued. The ownership transfer will require another permit public comment period, as some of the conditions will change. There are different regulatory requirements for publicly owned treatment works than there are for industrial dischargers.



Denali Water Solutions LLC

Denali-Callao Lagoon

Denali-Evans Lagoon

Denali-Gideon Lagoon

Denali-Jacksonville Storage Basin

Denali-Phelps Storage Tank



On Aug. 28, 2023, HydroAg Environmental LLC submitted a wastewater operating permit application for a new land application permit and associated Waste Management Plan. HydroAg collects and recycles pretreatment wastewater industrial food residuals (IFR) that are of food or organic origin from various industrial food processing plants to be beneficially land applied as organic fertilizers and soil amendments to farmland across the U.S.  IFR may come from sources such as livestock processing including beef, pork and poultry facilities, further food processing facilities, and industrial facilities that produce a beneficial food by-product.

The department is proposing to issue a Missouri State Operating Permit for the HydroAg Environmental LLC, subject to certain effluent limitations, schedules and special conditions. The department invited the public to review and offer written comments on the proposed permit conditions until April 21, 2024.

Missouri Prime Beef

On Aug. 2, 2022, Missouri Prime Beef Packers submitted a wastewater operating permit renewal application, and associated antidegradation application on Nov. 17, 2022. Missouri Prime Beef Packers was requesting permission to conduct slaughter and processing of live cattle for wholesale, as well as storage and discharge of wastewater and land application of sludge as fertilizer to agricultural fields located near the basin location at agronomic rates. The draft water quality and antidegradation review received significant public comments based on concerns with the documentation provided for the innovative technology proposed for treating wastewater before discharge.

On the basis of preliminary staff review and applying applicable standards and regulations, the department proposed to deny the operating permit application and modification request. The department invited the public to review and offer written comments on the proposed action and scheduled several public hearings an opportunity for the public to provide verbal comments to the department. 

On Jan. 2, 2024, the department received notice that Missouri Prime Beef Packers was withdrawing its permit application to use the innovative iLEAF technology for discharge to the Pomme de Terre watershed. As the department no longer had a permit application to consider or deny, the public hearing scheduled for Jan. 6, 2024, was cancelled. No future public meetings for this site are scheduled at this time. 

On Jan 10, 2024, Missouri Prime Beef Packers and the department entered into an Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) to respond to, and resolve, land application and permit-related Missouri Clean Water Law violations. The AOC includes penalties for the land application violations, requirements to submit a permit application, and a legal mechanism establishing temporary operational controls and land application requirements, including ramifications of continued noncompliance (including cessation of land application activities). The AOC does not authorize discharge to Pomme de Terre River or any other waters of the state. Discharge will only be authorized following issuance of a Missouri State Operating Permit that has undergone the permitting and associated stakeholder engagement process. The permit will replace the temporary land application conditions in the AOC. The department will continue to provide assistance to the facility and its engineer to design and construct a wastewater treatment system that meets all applicable regulatory and water quality requirements.

Phase I Construction

Phase II Construction

Antidegradation Review

Republic Foods

The department conducted a complaint investigation on Dec. 28, 2021. The complaint was associated with Republic Foods, a meat processor that was lacking a permit since a change in ownership. Violations were noted, including an illicit discharge of meat processing wastewater into a nearby stream. The department is aware of the ongoing non-compliance at Republic Foods. Following numerous Notices of Violation since the original stream contamination in 2021. the department has issued two Administrative Orders on Consent and a Unilateral Order, all available below. The facility has repeatedly been cited for discharges to the nearby stream, causing water quality violations, improper land application and numerous operational and maintenance issues, but continues to operate without resolution of the violations. Additionally, the current wastewater treatment system is damaged and inadequate for the strength and volume of wastewater being generated at this facility. Facility representatives have submitted at least two permit applications, but withdrew both after being informed that both applications were inadequate. 

We agree that this is a significant issue and, as such, have referred the matter to the Office of the Attorney General (AGO). This referral was deemed necessary as the facility has continued to operate in violation of the Missouri Clean Water law. As escalating enforcement actions have not yet resolved these issues, the department will work with the AGO to address this continuing non-compliance.

St. Charles Roadway Construction

On Jan. 15, 2025, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) placed federal permit MVS-2022-00172 on public notice. The applicants, St. Charles County and the City of O’Fallon, requested an extension of Lake St. Louis Blvd. from Paul Renaud Blvd. to Route DD. The proposed project is located north of the intersection of Missouri Highway DD and Diehr Road and continues north to connect with Lake St. Louis Blvd. at Paul Renaud Blvd., within the City of O’Fallon and unincorporated St. Charles County, MO. This public notice met the requirements for joint public notice as dictated in 10 CSR 20-6.060 and 40 CFR 121. 

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has received significant public inquiry regarding this project. The department's Water Protection Program has state Clean Water Act Section 401 certification authority for this project. However, the department has not received a request for certification at this time. If a certification request is received, any potential certification evaluates whether the activity will comply with applicable water quality requirements. The department’s evaluation is limited to the water quality-related impacts from the activity subject to the federal license or permit, including the activity’s construction and operation. 

If a certification request is received, all associated documents will be made available below. If the department proposes to issue a Section 401 Water Quality Certification, the proposed certification will be made available for public review and comment on the department's Section 401 Water Quality Certification webpage. For questions regarding the department’s authority and the scope of water quality certification, please contact the department's Water Protection Program by email at wpsc401cert@dnr.mo.gov or call 573-751-1300.

For questions regarding this project that are outside of our certification authority, please contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Louis District Regulatory Division: 

Website: St. Louis District Regulatory Mission
Phone: 314-331-8575
Email: MVS-Regulatory@usace.army.mil