The following table contains electronic copies of all currently effective site-specific wastewater permits — not master general permits — issued by the department. These facilities have been authorized to either discharge to waters of the state, or to operate a no-discharge wastewater treatment facility. These permits are written to be site-specific, issued to that one location to reflect the unique nature of the wastewater or the receiving water. The list includes Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permits, stormwater permits, wastewater permits and underground injection control well permits. The permits are consistent with applicable water quality standards, effluent standards or treatment requirements or suitable timetables to meet these requirements (10 CSR 20-7.015 and 7.031).

The department will add each site specific wastewater permit as it is issued. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please submit an Open Records/ Sunshine Law Request.

To sort the table below by field, click on the column headings in the table. You can also enter criteria in the search boxes to search for a specific wastewater permit.

*This is an "and" type search. All search criteria you enter must be met for the permit to appear in the results. If the permit you are searching for is not listed in the results, try again using less criteria.

Effective Date Between
Permit Number Applicant/ Facility County Effective Date Expiration Date Type
MO0099520 St. Joseph School Ste. Genevieve Operating
MO0026514 Ironton Wastewater Treatment Facilities Iron Operating
MO0131776 Guehne Investments LLC Wastewater Treatment Facility Franklin Operating
MO0089745 Serenity Mobile Home Park Washington Operating
MO0132501 Harbour Hills Subdivision Wastewater Treatment Facility Morgan Operating
MO0108561 Shores of Camelot Wastewater Treatment Facility Camden Operating
MO0125652 Rivercene Bed and Breakfast Howard Operating
MO0087025 Potosi Elks Lodge No. 2218 Washington Operating
MO0106046 Kings River Beach Subdivision Wastewater Treatment Facility Barry Operating
MO0098299 Propst Trailer Court Cole Operating
MO0050989 Boone County Regional Sewer District-El Chaparral Subdivision Boone Operating
MO0055921 Shands Country Inn Station Butler Operating
MO0117609 Sidwell Lagoon Phelps Operating
MO0125954 Lincoln County Public Water Supply District No. 2-Emerald Estates Lincoln Operating
MO0107395 Tammy Ryan Home Wastewater Treatment Facility Polk Operating
MO0132446 Willow Brook Foods Greene Operating
MO0131377 Lake Ozark Speedway Wastewater Treatment Facility Miller Operating
MO0090794 Oak Grove Mobile Home Park Franklin Operating
MO0111899 Rock Creek Public Sewer District Suburban Auto Auction Jefferson Operating
MO0098949 Bucheit Inc. Perry Operating
MO0112071 Cedar Lane Mobile Home Park Webster Operating
MO0122238 Industrial Service Corp.-Gate City Jackson Operating
MO0000167 DaimlerChrysler-St. Louis Assembly Complex St. Louis Operating
MO0081582 Fred Weber Inc.-Waste Transfer Station St. Louis Operating
MO0116513 Charles Robb Lagoon Benton Operating
MO0116173 Davidson Estates Wastewater Treatment Facility Taney Operating
MO0123005 Carl Krull Lagoon Gasconade Operating
MO0047619 Bon Gor Lake Estates Boone Operating
MO0025011 Kansas City-Northland Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Plant Clay Operating
MO0117170 City of Troy-Whitcomb Woods Wastewater Treatment Facility Lincoln Operating
MO0114430 Days Inn-St. Roberts Wastewater Treatment Facility Pulaski Operating
MO0121231 R & E Sanitary Facility (closed) St. Charles Operating
MO0111376 Stony Gap Estates Pulaski Operating
MO0124061 Continental Coal-Panther Creek Mine Bates Operating
MO0119245 Excel Corp. Saline Operating
MO0114596 Faith Temple House of God Pulaski Operating
MO0129879 EPOCH Composite Products Inc. Barton Operating
MO0129941 W.A. Dillon Mining-Freyer Site Rolla Phelps Operating
MO0129968 W.A. Dillon Mining-Haven Site 2 Phelps Operating
MO0129950 W.A. Dillon Mining-Haven Sites 1 and 3 Phelps Operating
MO0129933 W.A. Dillon Mining-Martin Site Rolla Phelps Operating
MO0129925 W.A. Dillon Mining-Tomnitz Site Rolla Phelps Operating
MO0128287 Gilbane Rebuilders Boone Operating
MO0104353 Linn Meadow Apartments Osage Operating
MO0023141 Bowling Green Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility Pike Operating
MO0100587 Purina Mills Research Center Franklin Operating
MOARAR014 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-Annapolis Lead Mine Site Iron Operating
MO0043389 St. Charles County Public Water Supply District No. 2-Rolling Meadows Wastewater Treatment Plant St. Charles Operating
MO0119318 Auburn Hills Wastewater Treatment Facility Sullivan Operating
MO0047171 Valley View Subdivision Johnson Operating