The following table contains electronic copies of all currently effective site-specific wastewater permits — not master general permits — issued by the department. These facilities have been authorized to either discharge to waters of the state, or to operate a no-discharge wastewater treatment facility. These permits are written to be site-specific, issued to that one location to reflect the unique nature of the wastewater or the receiving water. The list includes Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permits, stormwater permits, wastewater permits and underground injection control well permits. The permits are consistent with applicable water quality standards, effluent standards or treatment requirements or suitable timetables to meet these requirements (10 CSR 20-7.015 and 7.031).

The department will add each site specific wastewater permit as it is issued. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please submit an Open Records/ Sunshine Law Request.

To sort the table below by field, click on the column headings in the table. You can also enter criteria in the search boxes to search for a specific wastewater permit.

*This is an "and" type search. All search criteria you enter must be met for the permit to appear in the results. If the permit you are searching for is not listed in the results, try again using less criteria.

Effective Date Between
Permit Number Applicant/ Facility County Effective Date Expiration Date Type
MO0114332 France Country Place Wastewater Treatment Facility Boone Operating
MO0122220 U.S. Fish & Wildlife-Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge Holt Operating
MO0093556 Missouri Department of Corrections-Ozark Correctional Center Wastewater Treatment Facility Webster Operating
MO0101508 Route 66 Tiny Home Community Wastewater Treatment Facility Phelps Operating
MO0134902 Cedar Falls Subdivision Wastewater Treatment Facility Stone Operating
MO0092070 Tall Oaks Mobile Home Park Butler Operating
MO0088111 Oak Grove Mobile Home Park Warren Operating
MO0134848 Sugar Creek Restaurant Osage Operating
MO0123340 Oak Ridge Mobile Home Park St. Francois Operating
MO0108197 Oasis Travel Plaza Pulaski Operating
MO0138134 McKittrick BP Montgomery Operating
MO0127353 Saddlebrooke Lake Sand Filter Cole Operating
MO0137430 Shannon County Commission Quarry No. 2 Oregon Operating
MO0137855 Design Fabrication Inc. Greene Operating
MO0126373 Coyote Hill Christian Children's Home Howard Operating
MO0133311 Emory Creek Ranch Phase 1 Wastewater Treatment Facility Taney Operating
MO0125300 Terenna and John McLean Wright Operating
MO0137090 Braden Park Wastewater Treatment Facility Benton Operating
MO0137766 NF Protein Nevada Plant Vernon Operating
MO0115908 Russell Mobile Home Court Lincoln Operating
MO0137472 City Wide Construction Products Inc. Christian Operating
MO0137731 Howe Quarry Newton Operating
MO0137651 Prestressed Casting Co. Christian Operating
MO0107239 Oak Ridge Community Mobile Home Park Camden Operating
MO0137685 Harbor Campground and Marina Hickory Operating
MO0120413 Moreland's Homeowners Association Maries Operating
MO0125385 Dogwood Cooper Operating
MO0137618 Marquis-Missouri Terminal LLC Pemiscot Operating
MO0137626 Natural Accents Landscape Distributor Newton Operating
MO0137511 Bella Vista Quarry McDonald Operating
MO0113158 Larry Neal Callaway Operating
MO0125288 Port Royale Condominiums Wastewater Treatment Facility Camden Operating
MO0083585 South Syde Estates Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Facility Audrain Operating
MO0115339 Unilever Ice Cream Scott Operating
MO0113689 Charleston Wastewater Treatment Facility, The Camden Operating
MO0118401 Deepwater Inn Camden Operating
MO0112712 Dogwood Canyon Nature Park Wastewater Treatment Facility Stone Operating
MO0123692 Shady Complex Wastewater Treatment Facility Camden Operating
MO0137529 Bob's Scrap Metal Processing Greene Operating
MO0133345 Darla Jo Goodwin Trust 2-91 Wastewater Treatment Plant Camden Operating
MO0107352 Evergreen Drive Acres Wastewater Treatment Facility Callaway Operating
MO0115631 Kansas City Southern Railway Co.-Neosho Yard Mechanical Facility Newton Operating
MO0021768 Salem Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility Dent Operating
MO0102067 Boy Scouts of America-H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation-Lone Star and Sawmill Wastewater Treatment Facility St. Clair Operating
MO0101401 Boy Scouts of America-H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation-Piercing Arrow Wastewater Treatment Facility St. Clair Operating
MO0119725 Francis J. Lynch Memorial VFW Post 3168 Wastewater Treatment Plant Pulaski Operating
MO0114243 Lee Street Lagoon Callaway Operating
MO0091715 Penermon Wastewater Treatment Facility Stoddard Operating
MO0112208 Camp Oakledge Wastewater Treatment Facility Benton Operating
MO0112232 Dave's Mobile Home Park Phelps Operating