The following table contains electronic copies of all currently effective construction permits and permits to dispense. Construction permits include waterline extensions, waterline replacements, drilling a water supply well, constructing a storage tank, adding a disinfection system, treatment changes, building a pump station or other improvements or modifications. Permits to dispense include operating public water systems that supplies drinking water to the public.

To sort the table below by field, click on the column headings in the table. You can also enter criteria in the search boxes to search for a specific drinking water permit. If you are unable find the information you are looking for, please contact the Drinking Water Infrastructure Permits and Engineering Section at 573-751-5924.

*This is an "and" type search. All search criteria you enter must be met for the permit to appear in the results. If the permit you are searching for is not listed in the results, try again using less criteria.

Public Water System System ID Permit Number County Date issued Permit Type
Echo Valley Subdivision, 3000037-20 MO3031267 3000037-20 Camden Permit to Dispense
ECM Water and Sewer Authority, 6000117-23 MO6011147 6000117-23 St. Charles Construction Permit
Edgerton Public Water System, 1000089-22 MO1010237 1000089-22 Platte Permit to Dispense
Edgewater RV Park MO3242467 Benton Permit to Dispense
Edgewater Subdivision Village of Indian Point, 5000094-22 MO5036360 5000094-22 Stone Construction Permit
Edgewater Village, 5000110-22 MO5031235 5000110-22 Stone Permit to Dispense
Edina Public Water System, 2000082-20 MO2010238 2000082-20 Knox Permit to Dispense
El Dorado Springs Public Water System, 5000074-23 MO5010241 5000074-23 Cedar Permit to Dispense
El Dorado Springs, 5000100-21 MO5010241 5000100-21 Cedar Construction Permit
El Kay Lakeview Motel MO3190694 Camden Permit to Dispense
El Rancho Travel Center MO3191296 Miller Permit to Dispense
Eldon Public Water System, 3000030-21 MO3010240 3000030-21 Miller Construction Permit
Eliot Wren RV Park, 3000038-21 MO3203335 3000038-21 Phelps Construction Permit
Ellington Public Water System, 4000080-19 MO4010243 4000080-19 Reynolds Permit to Dispense
Elm Hills Utility Operating Company Inc., 1000181-17 MO3048155 1000181-17 Pettis Permit to Dispense
Elmer Public Water System, 2000162-21 MO2010247 2000162-21 Macon Permit to Dispense
Elmo Public Water System, 1000114-20 MO1010249 1000114-20 Nodaway Permit to Dispense
Elsberry Health Care Center, 6000005-22 MO6069069 6000005-22 Lincoln Construction Permit
Emma Public Water System MO1010254 Lafayette Permit to Dispense
Emmanuel Evangelicial Free Church, 6000027-24 MO6272859 6000027-24 Gasconade Permit to Dispense