The department helps improve agricultural land, ensures the safe extraction of oil and gas, and protects citizens by working with businesses to ensure they have the tools and knowledge necessary. From creating permits with defined limitations to ensuring contractors are licensed, we provide assistance to help businesses comply with environmental rules and reduce regulatory obligations.

Dam and Reservoir Safety
Technical assistance and issuance of permits for dams and reservoirs
Geologic Hazards
Information and assistance about hazards that may cause loss of life or property damage
Stream Management
Learn effective methods to stabilize streams and protect your land
Soil and Water Conservation Cost-Share Practices
These practices conserve soil, which consequently improves water quality
Environmental Geology Assistance
Geohydrologic evaluations for wastewater treatment facilities and other services
Ask a Geologist
Email us with your questions about Missouri geology
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Laws, Rules and Regulations
State and federal rules governing mining, dams and geology; rules in development