Companies doing business in Missouri may be regulated by the department under one or several Missouri laws and regulations. Permits are a necessary part of the environmental business because it is our first and best opportunity at assuring environmental protection and compliance. It is the department’s goal to make the permitting process as timely, protective and cost effective as possible.
Master General Permits
Master general permits are issued to multiple locations where activities are similar enough to be covered by a single set of requirements to limit emissions and discharges. All facilities receiving a general permit must follow the conditions and pre-set limits contained in that general permit until it expires or until the facility obtains a site-specific permit.
Site-Specific Permits
Site-specific permits are issued to one location, on a case-by-case basis. They are written to be specific to that individual facility or location. These permits regulate what that facility can do and how they do it. Site-specific permits usually are most appropriate for regulating large or complex facilities and processes.
Department-issued Permits, Certifications, Registrations and Licenses
Whether you have an existing business or are planning a new business, we want to help you understand everything you need to know about the environmental permitting process. All environmental permits, certifications, registrations and licenses that the Missouri Department of Natural Resources issues are listed below. Select the permit title to find out more about that permit, including a general overview, permit length, applicable laws and regulations, how to apply, fees, timeline/ process, requirements, etc.
If you are not sure which permit(s) you may need, the department also organized these permits according to general area of focus or which ones a specific type of business may need.
Title Sort descending | Areas of Focus | Short Permit Description |
Above Ground Storage Tank Registration | Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste | Above ground storage tanks are regulated by the Missouri Department of Agriculture. For more information, please visit their Fuel Device Safety and Accuracy Program webpage. |
Air Intermediate Operating Permit | Air | If your business is required to obtain a Part 70 Operating Permits but accepts voluntary, practically enforcement limitation to reduce emissions to less than 100 tons per year of any regulated pollutant and is less than 10 tons per year of any single hazardous air pollutant and less than 25 tons per year of any combined hazardous air pollutant, you may require an Air Intermediate Operating Permit to address potential air emissions. |
Air Major Construction Permit Sections (7), (8) & (9) | Air | If your business plans to construct a new installation or modify an existing minor installation and the project has the potential to emit more than major emission levels of a regulated air containment or construct a new installation or modify an existing major installation and the project has the potential to emit more than the minor levels per year, you may require an Air Major Construction Permit Sections (7), (8) & (9) to address potential air emissions. |
Air Minor Construction Permit Section (5) | Air | If your business plans to construct a new installation or modify an existing minor installation and the project has the potential to emit less than major source levels per year; or you plan to construct a new installation or modify an existing major installation and the project has the potential to emit less than the minor levels per year, you may require an Air Minor Construction Permit to address potential air emissions. |
Air Part 70 Operating Permit | Air | If your business has the potential to emit greater than 100 tons per year of any regulated pollutant, has the potential to emit greater than 100 tons per year of any single hazardous air pollutant, or greater than 25 tons per year of combined hazardous air pollutants, or is required by a New Source Performance Standard or a Maximum Achievable Control Technology, you may require an Air Part 70 Operating Permit. |
Air Permits-by-Rule Construction Permit | Air | If your business operates a printing operation, crematory or animal incinerator, surface coating or livestock market, you may require an Air Permit-by-Rule Construction Permit to address potential air emissions. By applying for this permit rather than a De Minimis or Minor Construction Permit, your business agrees to certain conditions of operation. |
Air Portable Relocation Construction Permit Section (4) | Air | If your business plans to relocate an industrial emission source designed for and capable of being moved to other sites around the state, you may need an Air Portable Relocation Construction Permit to address potential air emissions. This equipment typically includes portable concrete, asphalt or crushing plants that have been previously permitted as a De Minimis/ Minor installation. |
Air Temporary/ Pilot Construction Permit Section (10) | Air | If your business plans to construct a temporary installation or pilot plant with the potential to emit less than 100 tons of each pollutant per year, you may require an Air Temporary Construction Permit to address potential air emissions. |
Apprentice Well and Pump Installation Contractor Permit | Land and Geology » Wells and Drilling; Water » Wells and Drilling |
In Missouri, a permit is required for anyone working on water wells, monitoring wells, pumps, heat pumps or drilling test holes. If you plan to become a permitted non-restricted well or pump installation contractor, you must first obtain an Apprentice Well and Pump Installation Contractor Permit. For more information, visit the department's Well and Pump Installation Contractor Permitting webpage. |
Asbestos Occupation Certification | Air » Asbestos | If you plan to participate in an asbestos project, inspection, asbestos hazardous emergency response act management plan, abatement project design or asbestos air sampling in Missouri, you must receive an Asbestos Occupation Certification from the department. To learn more, visit the department's Asbestos webpage. |
Asbestos Renovation and Demolition Notification | Air » Asbestos | The department requires notification of demolitions and abatement projects involving regulated structures at least 10 working days before crews begin a project. To learn more, visit the department's Asbestos webpage. |
Building Operator Certification | Energy | Building Operator Certification is a nationally recognized training and certification program for operations and maintenance staff working in public, commercial and institutional buildings. The program focuses on energy efficient building operations and preventative maintenance procedures. For more information, please visit the department's Building Operator Certification webpage. |
Drinking Water Operator Certification | Water » Drinking Water; Water » Operator Certification |
If you would like to become a licensed drinking water treatment operator or a drinking water distribution operator, visit the department's Operator Certification webpage. The department can help provide you with training, examinations, funding vouchers to obtain certification and information about employment opportunities within Missouri. |
Geocaching and Letterboxing Permit | Agency/ General » Other | If you would like to place a cache in a Missouri State Park, you will need to apply for a Geocaching and Letterboxing Permit and follow specific steps and guidelines provided by Missouri State Parks. For more information, please visit the Missouri State Parks' Geocaching and Letterboxing Permit webpage. |
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments Part 2 Permit | Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste; Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal |
This is one of two possible permits that make up a hazardous waste permit. A Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments Part 2 Permit contains the federal hazardous waste management regulations administered by EPA that Missouri has either not adopted or has adopted but EPA has not yet given Missouri temporary or final authorization to administer. This "Part 2" permit is issued by EPA, if warranted. EPA does not issue a Part 2 Permit if EPA has no site-specific conditions for that particular facility. Please visit the Hazardous Waste Permit. |
Hazardous Secondary Material (formerly known as Resource Recovery) | Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste | If you or your business produce or store used or “spent” product, by-product or sludge that, when discarded, would be identified as a hazardous waste, and you want to handle it as a hazardous secondary materials, you must first notify the department. |
Hazardous Waste Emergency Permit | Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste; Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal |
In the event there is a situation that presents an immediate and significant threat to human health or the environment based on hazardous waste issues, the department may issue a temporary Hazardous Waste Emergency Permit. If your business already has a hazardous waste permit, this permit would allow you to treat, store or dispose of a hazardous waste not covered by your effective permit. Non-permitted companies may also receive an emergency permit to allow them to temporarily treat, store or dispose of hazardous waste. |
Hazardous Waste Generator Registration | Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste; Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste Generators |
If you or your business produce or store some form of hazardous waste as a result of your business processes, you may be required to register as a hazardous waste generator. |
Hazardous Waste Permit | Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste; Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal |
If you or your business want to actively treat, store (for more than 90 days) or dispose of hazardous waste in Missouri, you are required to obtain a Hazardous Waste Permit. Certain “inactive” hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facilities may also be required to obtain a permit in order to investigate, monitor and clean up hazardous waste release to the environmental at their facility. |
Hazardous Waste Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) Permit | Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste; Waste and Recycling » Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal |
If you or your business own or operate a hazardous waste treatment facility and want to use new and experimental treatment technologies for which no regulatory standards exist, you may apply for a Research, Development and Demonstration Permit. |