Hazardous waste generators are businesses or individuals that produce some form of hazardous waste as a result of their processes. Businesses or individuals that generate certain amounts of hazardous waste are required to register with the State of Missouri. Businesses or individuals that fall into the large quantity generator (LQG) or small quantity generator (SQG) status are required to register. Those that fall into the very small quantity generator (VSQG) status are not required to register, but may choose to do so. 

Length of Registration

Hazardous waste generators must renew their registration with the department annually by paying the registration renewal fee on their hazardous waste fee invoice each year to keep their generator status active.

Laws, Rules and Regulations

How to Apply

In order for a business or individual to know if it needs to register, it must first determine its hazardous waste generator status. Guidance for determining generator status is provided in Hazardous Waste Generator Status Guidance - PUB2224. The highest level the business or individual falls under in any single column in the chart in the guidance determines the appropriate generator status. 


The business or individual completes an application with an original ink signature, and submits the form and appropriate registration fee to the department.

If an operation is conducted at more than one location within a city, county or state, each individual site producing hazardous waste will require a separate registration.


Hazardous Waste Generator Registration application fees are based on the businesses generator status:

  • Large Quantity Generator - $500
  • Small Quantity Generator - $150
  • Very Small Quantity Generator - $150

Timeline/ Process

In general, the department will process the registration paperwork within one week of receipt. The department will request additional information if the application is not complete, which will delay the review process. 

The Notification of Regulated Waste Activity MO 780-1164 must be completed once you have generated in a month or accumulated at any one time a regulated quantity of hazardous waste. This must be completed before the waste can be shipped off-site. This form is also used to update your registration information.

Identification Numbers

Federal regulations require large and small quantity hazardous waste generators to obtain an EPA Identification (EPAID) number. The department will use your registration information to issue the state and federal generator identification numbers: EPA Generator Identification Number and Missouri Generator Identification Number.  

Public Participation

No public notice is required.


Notification of Regulated Waste Activity

The Notification of Regulated Waste Activity MO 780-1164 must be completed once you have generated in a month, or accumulated at any one time, a regulated quantity of hazardous waste. This must be completed before the waste can be shipped off site. This form is also used to update your registration information.


The hazardous waste reporting period covers from July 1 to the following June 30. Generators who have an active generator identification number are required to report their hazardous waste activity each year and pay certain fees based on the amount of waste generated and how the waste was disposed. For more information about reporting requirements, visit Hazardous Waste Reporting.


Generators are required to pay the Hazardous Waste Generator fee annually to renew their registration. The department will mail a billing statement by Dec. 1 of each year to all generators holding an active registration. Hazardous Waste Generator Registration annual renewal fees are based on the businesses generator status:

  • Large Quantity Generator - $500
  • Small Quantity Generator - $150
  • Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator - $150

Additional fees will also be included, based on the required reporting the generator filed. For information about other possibly applicable waste fees, visit Hazardous Waste Fees

Note: Any generator initially registering between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31 of any given year will pay the initial registration. The department will not bill the generator on Dec. 1 of that year, but will send the bill on Dec. 1 to renew their permit the following years. 

Failure to Pay

The department will administratively inactivate the registration of any generator subject to registration who fails to pay the annual renewal fee by the due date specified on the billing. The generator also will be subject to potential enforcement action by the department.

Inactive - Late Fee

Generators who request that their registration be made inactive rather than pay the renewal fee, who later in that same renewal year pay the annual renewal fee to reactivate their registration, shall pay a 15% late fee in addition to the annual renewal fee.



Inactivating Your Registration

If a business or individual is no longer generating hazardous waste, it may inactivate its registration. To inactivate registration, the business or individual sends a letter to the department's Waste Management Program, requesting the inactivation of the registration. After the department receives the request and has confirmed all required reporting has been filed, the registration will be inactivated.

Reactivating Your Registration

If a business or individual has already been issued generator identification numbers at some point, but the registration has been inactive, an updated registration form and registration fee are required to reactivate the registration.