Two rows of stacked drums containing hazardous secondary materials stored in a container storage area

Hazardous Secondary Material is a used or "spent" product, by-product or sludge that, when discarded, would be identified as a hazardous waste under federal regulations, but is instead managed as hazardous secondary material. A company may choose to handle the material as hazardous secondary material; however, they must first notify the department of their intention to do so.

Length of Authorization

Once you opt in to handle the material as hazardous secondary material, you may continue to do so until you opt out.

Laws, Rules and Regulations

How to Apply


The business or individual completes an application with an original ink signature. The applicant (hazardous waste generator) must check "yes" to the question in section 8.E. and attach a completed Notification of Hazardous Secondary Material Activity addendum.

Submit the form to the department, according to the instructions outlined on the application form.


There are no fees associated with opting to handle waste as a hazardous secondary material. However, any fees required by your hazardous waste activities still apply.

Timeline/ Process

In general, the department will process the paperwork within one week of receipt. The department will request additional information if the application is not complete, which will delay the review process. 

*You must opt-in before you can handle the waste as a hazardous secondary material. 

Public Participation

No public participation or notice is required.



The facility must complete the federal site ID form and Hazardous Secondary Materials Addendum as part of a biennial report. This report is due by March 1 of every even numbered year and covers the previous odd numbered calendar year.

The facility is also required to submit the Generator's Hazardous Waste Summary Report - Part 1 MO 780-1097. The quarterly Facility Summary Report does not need to be submitted; however, this form may still be needed for other waste generation. For more information about reporting requirements, visit Hazardous Waste Reporting.


There is no renewal process. The reporting requirements allow you to continue to handle the spent material as a hazardous secondary material until you opt out.

Note: If you decide to stop handling the material as hazardous secondary material, you must complete the Hazardous Secondary Material Addendum to opt out.


No additional resources.