water flowing in a stream

The department is statutorily required to enforce the Missouri Clean Water Law, its implementing regulations and associated Missouri State Operating Permits, which are issued by the department's Water Protection Program. Department staff provide guidance and advice regarding water pollution control issues, such as spills, fish kills, animal waste issues and environmental issues such as flood or drought. The Water Protection Program coordinates efforts with department regional office staff to monitor compliance and provide compliance assistance to regulated facilities and sites across Missouri.

The department's main goal is to achieve regulatory compliance with environmental laws. The Water Protection Program's compliance and enforcement team provides compliance assistance to the regulated public in an effort to reduce and prevent violations. Staff do this in various ways, including notifying permittees about missing Discharge Monitoring Reports, expired permits and other non-compliance issues. Staff also work with regional office staff and other environmental professionals to identify permittees that need assistance to regain compliance.

If compliance assistance efforts do not bring compliance and violations continue, the compliance and enforcement team starts formal enforcement actions to encourage or compel compliance. Staff use compliance monitoring data reported by the permit holder and enforcement data, and coordinates with regional office staff to identify significant non-compliance. Facilities are prioritized for Notices of Violation, follow up inspections and enforcement actions to correct the violations.  

The Water Protection Program's compliance and enforcement team manages a large variety of cases referred by the regional offices, including but not limited to land disturbance sites, municipal and non-municipal wastewater treatment facilities and associated collection systems, industrial stormwater sites and confined animal feeding operations. When cases are referred, compliance and enforcement staff communicate with the regulated parties and their attorneys to negotiate a mutually agreeable resolution through an Abatement Order on Consent. If a mutually agreeable resolution cannot be negotiated, the department may issue a Unilateral Order requiring compliance. If a violator fails to comply with an agreed or issued order, compliance and enforcement staff may request that the matter be referred to the Missouri Attorney General’s Office to compel compliance through litigation.

The Water Protection Program's compliance and enforcement team staff produce a number of reports for public use, which are posted below. Compliance information is also available to the public in the department's Missouri Clean Water Information System (MoCWIS). For information about all department compliance assistance and enforcement actions, visit Compliance Assistance and Enforcement.

Active Enforcement

Active Enforcement Cases

Links to lists of the department's water pollution active enforcement cases are available below. The lists include operating permit number, facility name and owner’s name and indicates if the case has been referred to the Missouri Attorney General’s Office. These lists are updated monthly and organized by facility name and by county for a more accessible search. 

Formal Enforcement Actions

In cases where the violations are not resolved through conference, conciliation and persuasion, the department may use formal enforcement actions to compel compliance. Formal Enforcement actions include, but are not limited to, Settlement Agreements, Abatement Orders, Abatement Orders on Consent, Consent Judgments and Court Orders. These agreements include the negotiated actions and a schedule for the responsible party to achieve compliance at the facility or site and pay any civil penalty or damage amounts assessed for the violations.

Monthly Reports

The monthly clean water enforcement report provides an overall view of the department’s enforcement actions achieved during that month. Actions include the number of enforcement cases received from the regional offices, number of cases resolved, number and description of agreements reached and number of cases referred to the Missouri Attorney General’s Office with corresponding litigation actions. 

Listed below are the reports for the three most recent years. To review or obtain copies of older reports, please submit an Open Records/ Sunshine Law Request. If you have any problems accessing the documents below, please contact the department’s Water Protection Program. 

Quarterly Reports

The quarterly non-compliance reports are a tool for prioritizing compliance assistance and enforcement actions. These reports focus on significant non-compliance identified at major facilities, such as facilities with a flow of greater than or equal to 1 million gallons per day and other large industrial sources. The report lists significant non-compliance violations related to Discharge Monitoring Reports (e.g., overdue or incomplete reports and effluent exceedances), permit compliance schedules and enforcement compliance schedules. Violations remain on each consecutive report until the permittee submits the missing report, resolves effluent exceedances, completes upgrades or otherwise resolves the violation.

Each quarterly report covers a three month span. Listed below are the reports for the three most recent years. To review or obtain copies of older reports, please submit an Open Records/ Sunshine Law Request. If you have any problems accessing the documents below, please contact the department’s Water Protection Program. 

  • First Quarter Report - October, November, December
  • Second Quarter Report - January, February, March
  • Third Quarter Report - April, May, June
  • Fourth Quarter Report - July, August, September