The most recent Missouri Department of Natural Resources' news releases may be found below. Be sure to visit the department's main Communications webpage to learn more about our communication resources. If you need additional information, please contact the department's Communications office at 573-751-1010 or 800-361-4827. For Missouri State Parks related topics call 573-751-9392 or 800-334-6946

Current News

News Release Date
UPDATE - Learn about Bannerstones and Atlatl Weights at Van Meter State Park March 23
Update: Prairie State Park Beautification Day moved to Feb. 22
Boil water order lifted for Taney County water system
Earthquake Awareness at Onondaga Cave State Park Feb. 22
Volunteer during Prairie State Park Beautification Day Feb. 15
Grant applications available for outdoor recreation projects
Black Baseball League history presentation at Battle of Lexington State Historic Site Feb. 8
Historic Preservation Council to consider nominations for National Register Feb. 7
Department to host public awareness session on Springfield Sanitary Landfill
Learn about prairie wildlife at Prairie State Park Bison Hike Feb. 1
Department announces $52 million loan for St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District wastewater treatment improvements
Department of Natural Resources awards Sunrise Beach $2.5 million for new wastewater system
St. Louis receives $9.5 million loan for drinking water improvements
Boil water order extended for Taney County water system
Funding available for wastewater engineering services
DNR awards $95,670 low-interest loan to Grandin for wastewater improvements
Osage Beach student goes "with the flow," wins Earth Day 2014 slogan contest
Missouri Department of Natural Resources offers reporting assistance to major water users
Boil water order issued for Taney County water system

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