To meet Missouri’s comprehensive water needs, Water Resources Center hydrologists, geologists and engineers investigate and monitor surface water and groundwater resource characteristics, availability and use. The center has varied activities, all with the goal of protecting water as one of the state’s most valuable resources. Some of the objectives of the center are:
- Provides planning and resources for local partners on flood resiliency projects throughout the state.
- Monitors surface and groundwater levels by operating and maintaining a network of groundwater observation wells and participating in the streamgage network administered by U.S. Geological Survey.
- Defends Missouri’s interests and claims to water in the Missouri and Mississippi rivers.
- Develops, maintains and periodically updates the Missouri Water Resources Plan to assess current water use in the state, future needs and water availability.
- Collects annual water use data from individuals or businesses that have the capacity to withdraw more than 100,000 gallons of water per day, in accordance with the Major Water Users Law.
- Provides technical expertise for the development or expansion of water distribution systems, water storage capabilities and water supply sources to help regional water supply projects minimize the impacts of stress on their water systems.
- Performs groundwater studies to evaluate the quantity and quality of Missouri’s springs and determine safe groundwater yields from the state’s aquifers.
Meet the Director

Erin Fanning is the Water Resources Center Director for the department's Missouri Geological Survey, effective May 2, 2022. Erin most recently served as a division manager at the Bridgeton Landfill near St. Louis, Missouri. Erin has carried a passion for the environment during her more than a decade in industry. She is considered an established and respected professional among peers and is recognized as a next generation leader.
A native Missourian, Erin received her undergraduate and Master of Science degrees in biology from Central Missouri State University.