The Missouri Department of Natural Resources supports the development of new processes and equipment to treat wastewater. Many facilities face difficulties in meeting more stringent limits for effluent. The department works with domestic treatment facilities and equipment manufacturers to find solutions. To learn more, access the fact sheet Approval Process for Innovative Technology - PUB2453.
What is a pilot project?
Pilot projects are temporary small-scale projects that evaluate the effects of a technology at an existing wastewater treatment facility. After a side stream of water undergoes treatment that uses the technology in the pilot, the department tests the water and returns it to the existing facility for regular treatment. Before a pilot project can begin, the department must approve the plan for a pilot project as well as the testing protocol. Visit 10 CSR 20-6.010(5)(E)8.
What is a demonstration project?
Demonstration projects are full-scale installations of technology for which minimum design criteria is not well established. Design criteria for well established technologies are published in 10 CSR 20-8; in Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board Standards or in other widely published design guides for wastewater treatment.
Unlike pilot projects, all permitting requirements apply to demonstration projects. This may include antidegradation review but will always require construction permits and operating permit modifications. The department must approve the plan for the demonstration project and the testing protocol as part of the required facility plan.
How can I get more information?
Contact the department's Water Protection Program's engineering section at DNR.WPPEngineerSection@dnr.mo.gov.
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