In 1992, Missouri's legislature enacted the Public Drinking Water Primacy Fee and the Laboratory Services and Program Administration Fees to establish a dedicated funding source to support the Missouri Department of Natural Resources' efforts to ensure adequate water for Missouri citizens that is safe to drink. The primacy fee provides funding necessary to implement the federal Safe Drinking Water Act through the Missouri Safe Drinking Water Law and regulations. The fees are set in Code of State Regulations, 10 CSR 60-16, and bring in approximately $11.6 million per year. More information about the fees is available in the department's factsheet, The Drinking Water Primacy Fee: What Does the Fee Do for You? - PUB2229

Authority and Requirements

Missouri Revised Statutes, section 640.100.8, RSMo, gives the department the authority to conduct a comprehensive review of the fees, with stakeholder input, and develop proposed changes to the fee structure, with stakeholder agreement. The goal of the stakeholder meetings is to review the fees and decide on a proposal to revise the fee structure through the rulemaking process. Once stakeholder agreement is received, the department must have the Missouri Safe Drinking Water Commission's approval before starting the rulemaking process. 

2020 Revision Process

In 2020, the department held stakeholder meetings to discuss potential changes to the primacy, laboratory certification and laboratory services and program administration and operator certification fee structures. Information and video from the stakeholder meetings is available below.

Current Fee Structure

The following fee structures were approved by the Missouri Safe Drinking Water Commission and became effective Jan. 1, 2022. 

Primacy Fee

The primacy fee per customer service connection for unmetered customers and customers with meters not greater than one inch in size is based on the number of service connections in the water system serving that customer.

Unmetered and Meters Less Than or Equal to One Inch

Number of Connections Fee
1 to 10 connections $50*
11 to 10,000 connections $5.28 per connection
10,001 to 50,000 connections $4.80 per connection
50,001 to 100,000 connections $4.20 per connection
More than 100,000 connections $3.48 per connection

*$50 minimum fee assessed for systems with less than 10 connections

Meters Greater Than One Inch
Meter Size Fee
Greater than one inch, but less than or equal to two inches $21
Greater than two inches, but less than or equal to four inches $102
Greater than four inches $198

Laboratory Certification Fees 

Certification Fee
Fee Type Fee
Organic Chemicals $2,700
Inorganic Chemicals $1,500
Bacteriological $500
Audit Fees
Fee Type Fee
Chemical Laboratory $2,500
Microbiological Laboratory $500

Laboratory Services and Program Administration Fees 

Laboratory Services Fees
System Type Number of Connections Fee
Transient Any $150
Groundwater* 7,599 or less $300
Groundwater* 7,600 or more $500
Surface Water* Any $750

*Except transient noncommunity water systems. 

Operator Certification Fees

Operator Certification Fees
Fee Type Fee
Application/ Exam $50
Exam Retake $50
Renewal (3-Year Certificate) $60
Reciprocity Certification (3-Year Certificate) $75
Late Fee $37.50 per month ($75 max)