Antidegradation means that no pollutant discharges or activities will be permitted if these may cause surface waters already meeting water quality standards to drop below those standards. According to Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR 131.12, Missouri is required to develop and adopt a statewide antidegradation policy and identify methods for implementing such policy.

Missouri Antidegradation Implementation Procedure

With more than 10 years of experience, Missouri’s antidegradation processes are well-developed. All construction permits for new or expanded discharges are required to follow the Missouri Antidegradation Rule and Missouri Antidegradation Implementation Procedure (AIP). The most recent version was approved by the Missouri Clean Water Commission on July 13, 2016, and approved by EPA on July 30, 2018. The AIP is intended to satisfy the federal requirements and has provided reasonable wastewater treatment technology determinations that have helped maintain the quality of Missouri waters.

Since the earliest days of the antidegradation implementation procedure, engineers identified a number of areas in which the AIP is unclear, situations that were not addressed or elements that needed additional clarification. The goal of this current revision is to address many of these elements and incorporate ideas that improve and streamline the process, while maintaining the fundamental goal of antidegradation. The department organized a stakeholder workgroup to help revise the AIP. For more information about the workgroup or meeting information, visit the Antidegradation Implementation Procedure Workgroup webpage.

The below information describes submittal requirements for the different pathways for completing an antidegradation review, as discussed in the AIP. The Antidegradation Review Pathways Flow Chart may also be referenced to aid in determining the appropriate pathway.

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