Ariel view of the complete Weldon Spring Site cell

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Weldon Spring Site Remedial Action Project, now known as the Weldon Spring Site, is located in St. Charles County, about 30 miles west of St. Louis. The Weldon Spring Site, which DOE is responsible for, consisted of two distinct locations, the chemical plant area and the quarry. Cleanup of the Weldon Spring Site is being conducted under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)(link is external) as part of DOE’s Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Program. This site contained chemical and radiological contaminants in soil and groundwater from previous site operations. 

The site consists of four operable units (Chemical Plant, Quarry Bulk Waste, Quarry Residuals and Groundwater). The active cleanup of these units has been completed. The operable units are now under long-term care and stewardship by DOE’s Office of Legacy Management. The final remedy's protectiveness of human health and the environment is periodically assessed separately for each operable unit, at a minimum once every five years. The most recent five-year review report concluded the sitewide remedy is short-term protective.

For more information, including a GIS tool for groundwater monitoring data collected, visit's DOE’s Office of Legacy Management Weldon Spring Site(link is external) webpage.

Nearby Areas

Surrounding and next to the Weldon Spring Site is the former Weldon Spring Ordnance Works site, which the U.S. Department of the Army is responsible. 

The St. Charles County Public Water Supply District No. 2 well field is situated just south of the Weldon Spring Quarry. To ensure the well field remains safe for use, an additional monitoring program has been in place since 1989. This additional sampling includes yearly, quarterly and monthly sampling of operating production wells and raw and untreated water from the water plant. The Department of Natural Resources monitors all sampling results to identify any trends that might indicate impacts on the county well field. There have been no exceedances of allowable limits for site related contaminants in the well field detected under this sampling program. 

The August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area was assessed for human health and ecological risks during site remediation. Any areas that presented an unacceptable risk were remediated. Busch Lakes 34, 35 and 36 and Schote and Dardenne creeks are sampled yearly for uranium, to monitor and measure the effects of groundwater and surface water discharges from the site. Uranium activity levels are below risk based and regulatory action limits. 

Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ Role

The Weldon Spring Site is now under long-term monitoring and maintenance provided by DOE. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Missouri Department of Natural Resources have regulatory oversight roles for the long-term management of the site. As part of the Department of Natural Resources' oversight, staff provide technical review of documents submitted by DOE, along with oversight for site activities performed by DOE. These activities include regular inspections, environmental monitoring and other site operations and activities.
