A solid waste processing facility is any facility where solid wastes are transferred from one container to another or are processed. Activities performed at these facilities include:
- Transferring waste from one container, vessel or vehicle to another
- Consolidating individual waste loads in preparation for transport to a landfill
- Separating the waste for recycling or disposal
- Recovering or salvaging specific items from the waste for sale or re-use
- Treating waste to kill pathogens in the waste, such as bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms, that may pose a threat to public health
- Incinerating waste for disposal or to produce energy
Types of processing facilities include compost plants, incinerators, infectious waste facilities, transfer stations and material recovery facilities. Under each processing facility category listed below is general information about the category and a list of facilities in Missouri within that category currently permitted to operate. There are currently no solid waste incinerators or compost facilities required to operate under a solid waste processing facility permit. If you have questions about a specific processing facility, please contact the department's Waste Management Program.
For information about obtaining a solid waste permit to construct or operate a solid waste processing facility, visit Solid Waste Processing Facility Permits.
*Also available is a list of Missouri facilities currently operating as solid waste landfills.