Old lead service pipe attached to a blue water meter
An old lead service line is attached to this water meter.

Application Period is Closed

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is offering a new funding opportunity to assist communities with their lead service line inventory, planning and replacement projects. This funding helps public water systems comply with the revised federal Lead and Copper Rule requirements. The rule requires all public water systems to complete an inventory of all drinking water service lines connected to their distribution system.

Funding is provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and made available through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. Funding is expected to be allocated on an annual basis through 2026.

Information and Assistance

The department’s Financial Assistance Center staff are available to answer questions about the funding program. The center can be reached at 573-751-1192 or by email at DNR.FACLead@dnr.mo.gov. For more information about lead service lines, you may contact the department's Water Protection Program, Public Drinking Water Branch, at 573-751-5331 or visit the department's Lead Service Lines webpage.

Who Can Apply

A silver-blue colored lead steel service line

Eligible applicants include the following:

  • Political subdivisions of the state (counties, incorporated cities and towns, regional water or sewer districts)
  • Not-for-profit corporations providing a wholesale or regional water supply
  • Investor-owned water utility corporations

Eligible Projects and Costs

Eligible projects include lead service line inventories, replacement plans and replacement projects. Priority will be given to applications for lead service line inventories or the portion of applications that includes lead service line inventories. The infrastructure bill emphasizes the importance of targeting resources, including lead funding, to disadvantaged communities.

For guidance for this funding opportunity, visit the department's State Revolving Fund Plans and Reports webpage and review Appendix 8 of the most current DWSRF Intended Use Plan. 

Award Amounts and Match

Funding is limited and is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. After the application is submitted, the department will determine the applicant’s status as disadvantaged or non-disadvantaged. Disadvantaged status will be decided by using the DWSRF affordability criteria or if the applicant is located in an area defined as high risk (labeled as Universal Testing Area) for lead poisoning on the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services' Missouri Lead Testing Area Map

Funding allocations will be made according to the applicant’s status as disadvantaged or non-disadvantaged and the project activity, as described in the table below. Projects that do not receive 100% grant funding, or those that exceed the maximum grant amount, will be allocated an interest-free loan (repaid after 5 years) to address the remaining project costs.

Grant Amounts
Project Activity Non-disadvantaged Community Disadvantaged Community
LSL Inventory Project Up to $102,500, not to exceed 41% of the total project cost 100% grant
LSL Replacement Plan Up to $20,500, not to exceed 41% of the total project cost 100% grant, up to $50,000
LSL Replacement Project $7,000 per service connection to be replaced, up to $2,050,000 total, not to exceed 41% of the total project cost 100% grant, $7,000 per service connection to be replaced, not to exceed a maximum amount of $5,000,000

All funding allocations will be subject to the approval of the Missouri Safe Drinking Water Commission.

Application Process

The application period for DWSRF Lead Service Line Funding closed Dec. 31, 2023. Applicants must have a SAM.gov Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), which must be included on the application. Applicants may obtain a UEI at no cost from the SAM.gov website. Applicants who have previously registered with SAM.gov should only have to log into their account to obtain their UEI. For more information or assistance with this process, call their toll-free help desk at 866-606-8220 or visit the Federal Service Desk website at www.fsd.gov.

Projects will be funded on a first come, first served basis, as long as funds are available. To apply for this funding, submit the following documentation either by email (preferred) to dnr.faclead@dnr.mo.gov or by mail to the department's Financial Assistance Center.

  • Complete and signed Lead Service Line Funding Application MO 780-3017
  • Screenshot or printout of the SAM.gov website showing the applicant’s UEI.
  • Resolution of Governing Body of Applicant (included with the above application)
  • Any additional information that will enable the department to prioritize your project needs



