Application Period is Closed
Under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources offers subgrants intended to help restore and protect waters that have been impaired or threatened by nonpoint source pollution. The purpose of the funding is to support planning for and implementing on-the-ground practices that control, reduce or manage nonpoint source pollution as described in the Missouri Nonpoint Source Management Plan. The funding is available to help organizations with watershed planning or implementing activities as described in a department and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-accepted 9-element watershed based plan or alternative plan under certain specific conditions.
Funding is provided by EPA as subgrants through the department. Each year, EPA awards Section 319(h) funds to states according to a state-by-state allocation formula that EPA developed in consultation with the states. State project funding is contingent on annual federal funding of the state grant. In early January each year, the department issues a request for proposals, soliciting applications for potential nonpoint source watershed planning or watershed based plan implementation subgrant projects.
Information and Assistance
The department’s Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program staff are available to answer questions. You may also contact the department's Watershed Protection Section at 573-751-5723.
Who Can Apply
Eligible applicants include cities, municipal and county governments, state agencies, non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations, higher education institutions, soil and water conservation districts and Missouri Regional Planning Commissions and Councils of Government. Other groups may also apply for grant funding by partnering with these organizations. Proposals may include partners from other government agencies or nonprofit groups, and other responsible entities such as private for-profit subcontractors.
Private individuals are not eligible.
Eligible Projects and Costs
Section 319 subgrants may be used to develop or update a 9-element watershed based plan or to implement practices as detailed in an existing department and EPA accepted watershed based plan (or alternative plan under certain specific conditions). To be considered, proposed projects must have:
- Existing strong, diverse and committed partnerships to ensure project implementation as well as long-term operation and maintenance for installed best management practices. Partnerships must be demonstrated by established commitments or agreements among organizations, government entities and watershed residents to implement the project in a timely fashion. Partnership agreements with local Soil and Water Conservation Districts, University Extension, Natural Resources Conservation Service, local and state governments or other organizations are strongly encouraged.
- For implementation projects:
- A cost effective approach to achieving measurable water quality benefits through implementing management practices; only high ratios of on-the-ground best management practice costs to administration or salary costs will be considered.
- A water quality monitoring or modeling component, whether performed by the recipient, a contractor, the department or another partnering agency. The monitoring or modeling component, new or existing, must be capable of documenting significant water quality improvement or decline. Other measures or indicators that may be used to show progress toward water quality improvements must be approved by the department.
- The ability to track and report the load reduction that results from the project using simple best management practice estimates or watershed models.
- Clear measurable milestones and an implementation schedule that clearly demonstrates interim steps, timely implementation of the project and fund usage.
- A limited, low cost information and outreach component that does not exceed 10% of the subgrant.
- A complete, well developed budget that links costs to specific activities or milestones. All administrative costs and salaries should include no more than 10% of the federal subgrant.
- Staff with the capability, expertise, resources and experience to perform the proposed work and grant administration. Must have written organizational policies and procedures in place before applying.
- For former federal subgrant recipients: A documented history of meeting grant requirements and successfully fulfilling subgrant agreements, including: fiscal accountability, achieving project milestones, best management practice implementation and projected pollutant load reductions.
Project periods of up to three years are considered. The scope of work and budgeted costs will be refined before final approval of a project.
Activities not Eligible for Section 319 Project Funding
- Research
- NPDES permit obligations
- Land purchase
Award Amounts and Match
Award amounts are based on the number of applicants and the amount of funding available. Funding is based upon performance and will depend on the ability of the recipient to mobilize, remain on schedule and achieve the project milestones. Funding restrictions will occur if projects fall behind on meeting their scheduled milestone deadlines.
The project sponsor is required to provide match to the federal grant amount in a 60/40 (federal/non-federal) match ratio. The match can be in the form of non-federal funding or in-kind contributions. Applicants will be required to maintain a 60/40 federal to non-federal contribution ratio on a semiannual basis through the duration of the project and should develop the project budget accordingly.
Projects are selected on a competitive basis. Projects located in watersheds that have been prioritized for planning or implementation will be given preference in the selection process. Higher priority for selection is given to projects located in underserved communities.
Application Process
The application period for Section 319 Nonpoint Source Subgrants closed May 1, 2024. A request for proposals is issued each year, normally in early January, at which time the department will begin accepting applications. Applicants submit their responses to the request for proposals through the department’s Funding Opportunities Portal. New funding portal users must submit a Funding Opportunities Portal Access Request to establish access and use the portal. When completing the access request form, be sure to select Water Protection as a program of interest for financial assistance. Full application preparation and submission instructions are included in the Request for Proposals document.
Applications are ranked competitively and awarded in order of priority rank. Higher priority for selection will be given to projects located in underserved communities or that are implemented in high visibility areas, that are community based, or are implemented on public lands. Under this request for proposals, eligible projects may receive $50,000 to $400,000 in funding. Projects may have a duration of up to three years. By applying for this award, the applicant verifies that it, its board of directors, and all principals are currently in compliance with all state and federal environmental laws and court orders issued pursuant to those laws, and that all environmental violations have been resolved at the time of this application.
Request for Proposals (Fiscal Year 2025)
- Clean Water Act Section 319(h) Grants: FFY2025 Request for Implementation Project Proposals
- Attachment A: Applicant Capabilities Determination Questionnaire
- Attachment B: MoDNR Federal Financial Assistance Agreements, General Terms and Conditions
- Attachment C: Federal Subgrants Special Terms and Conditions
- Attachment D1: Nonpoint Source Implementation Grant Application MO 780-1896
- Attachment D2: Section 319 Project Match Commitment Form MO 780-3007
- Attachment E: Detailed Budget to Accompany Forms 780-1896, 780-1947, 780-2123 and 780-2124
- Attachment F: Subrecipient Informational Form
- Attachment G: Business Entity Certification, Enrollment Documentation, and Affidavit of Work Authorization
- Attachment H: Certification Regarding Lobbying
Proposal Timeline (Fiscal Year 2025)
- Feb. 16, 2024: Request for Proposals announced
- April 2, 2024: Request for Proposals Informational Session
- May 1, 2024: Notices of Intent due
- May 15, 2024: Notice of Intent reviews completed and sponsoring agencies notified of outcome
- June 3 - 7, 2024: Applicant Training and Question/ Answer Session (conference call)
- Aug. 1, 2024: Final project applications due to the department
- Aug.15, 2024: Administrative completeness review of proposals completed
- Sept. 1, 2024: Nonpoint Source Review Committee review of proposals completed and proposals selected for interviews
- Sept. 16 - Sept. 30, 2024: Applicant interviews conducted
- Nov. 1, 2024: Nonpoint Source Review Committee recommendations submitted for departmental concurrence
- Dec. 2, 2024 - Jan. 31, 2025: Recommendations included in Section 319 grant application work plan for department and EPA approval
- June 3 - Sept. 30, 2025: Projects approved pending EPA award approval of Section 319(h) grant funds to the department; project agreements negotiated and sub-agreements developed for approved projects
- Project Orientation: Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program and Section 604(b) Water Quality Planning - Project expectations and requirements
- Section 319 and 604(b) Source Grant Programs: An overview of the A-2 Quarterly Invoice Excel Workbook
- Section 319 and 604(b) Source Grant Programs: An overview of the A-3 Quarterly Gantt Excel Workbook
Popular Links
Contact Information
Section 319 Nonpoint Source Unit
Water Protection Program
Water Pollution Control Branch
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States