Waste is an expensive and sometimes unavoidable result of human activity. It is produced in our homes, offices and factories. How waste is managed and disposed affects the air, water and land that humans, plants and animals rely on to live. 

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is responsible for regulating how specific solid and hazardous wastes are managed in Missouri. The main goal of waste management is to reduce the amount of waste produced and properly manage the rest. The department works with individuals, businesses, industry, governments and schools to make sure they know how to safely collect, handle and dispose of their waste. 

If waste is released to the environment, once notified, the department performs environmental investigations and oversees any cleanup activities, if determined necessary. Learn more about specific Missouri sites and facilities we regulate. For information about the multiple TCE site investigations in Camdenton, please visit Camdenton TCE.

Waste-related Sites of Interest
Select solid and hazardous waste sites of special interest to local citizens
Brownfields/ Voluntary Cleanup Success Stories
Redeveloped industrial or commercial properties once contaminated with hazardous waste
Federal Facilities Sites
Properties currently or previously owned or operated by federal government agencies
Hazardous Waste Generators
List of businesses or individuals who produce hazardous waste
Hazardous Waste and Infectious Waste Transporters
List of licensed transporters and the specific wastes they are allowed to transport
Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal (TSD) Facilities
List of companies that treat, store (90+ days) or dispose hazardous waste
Scrap Tire Haulers
List of companies that are licensed to haul scrap tires
Scrap Tire Processors
List of companies that are permitted to process scrap tires
Solid Waste Landfills - Operating
List of operating demolition, sanitary, special waste and utility waste landfills
Solid Waste Processing Facilities - Operating
List of waste transfer stations, processing facilities and material recovery facilities
Superfund Sites
Lists of abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)
Regulated USTs that currently or previously stored petroleum or hazardous substances