Because of its quantity, concentration or characteristics (ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic), hazardous wastes may pose a threat to the health of humans or other living organisms if not properly managed. Both state and federal environmental laws regulate hazardous waste from "cradle-to-grave." This means hazardous waste is tracked and regulated from the time it is created "cradle," until it is recycled, treated or disposed "grave," including when it is transported and stored. Learn more about the various permits, licenses and registrations required to manage hazardous waste. For information about EPA ID numbers associated with hazardous waste, please review EPA's How Hazardous Waste Generators, Transporters, and Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities Can Obtain EPA Identification Numbers webpage.
Hazardous Waste Generator Registration
Generator registration for businesses that produce hazardous waste
Above Ground Storage Tanks
Above ground storage tanks are regulated by the Missouri Department of Agriculture
Underground Storage Tank Registration
Registration requirements and forms for underground storage tanks
Hazardous Waste Transporter License
License to transport hazardous waste (Missouri Department of Transportation)
Hazardous Secondary Materials
Requirements for managing hazardous secondary materials (formerly Resource Recovery)
Hazardous Waste-Related Permits
Various permits to treat, store (90+ days) or dispose hazardous waste
Brownfields/Voluntary Cleanup Program
Apply to redevelop possibly contaminated industrial or commercial properties
Business Guidance and Technical Assistance
Information and resources to help your business stay in compliance
Public Notices
Learn about draft permits on public notice and scheduled public meetings and hearings