In Missouri, there are several fees associated with scrap tires: Scrap Tire Fee, Scrap Tire Hauler Application Fee and the Scrap Tire Processor Application Fee/ Review Costs. These fees are used by the department to fund the following activities:

- Review and issue Scrap Tire Processing Facility permits
- Inspect scrap tire haulers, processors, collection centers and end users for compliance with the Missouri Solid Waste Management Law and regulations
- Take enforcement action against those who violate the Missouri Solid Waste Management Law and regulations
- Administer the scrap tire surface materials grant program
- Cleanup illegal scrap tire dumps or scrap tire cleanup and disposal reimbursement for disposal costs for scrap tires collected during voluntary cleanups of these dumps
- Market development and research for innovation in alternative scrap tire uses
- Provide compliance assistance to individuals, businesses and local, state, and federal agencies regarding scrap tire management in Missouri
For general information about scrap tire management, visit Scrap Tires. For information about specific scrap tire topics, visit Scrap Tire Guidance Documents and Fact Sheets.
Permit Application/ Review Fees
The permit application fees are non-refundable and must be submitted with the permit application. The current fee rates are outline in Code of State Regulations, 10 CSR 80, and are as follows:
Fee/Cost Type | Amount |
Scrap Tire Hauler Application Fee (Initial and Annual Renewal) | $100 |
Scrap Tire Processor Application Fee (One-time Fee) | $200
Scrap Tire Processor Application Review Costs (One-time Fee) | All permit review costs incurred by the department, up to a maximum of $2,000. |
Scrap Tire Fee

The scrap tire fee is a 50-cent fee applied to the retail sale of every new tire. The fee is collected by the retailers and submitted to the Missouri Department of Revenue, which distributes the funds to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
Fee History
By 1990, illegal or scrap tire piles had become so large and widespread in Missouri that the State Legislature passed Senate Bill 530. This legislation acknowledged scrap tires as a significant waste stream in the state and established a 50-cent fee that would be assessed on the purchase of every new tire. The state legislature reauthorized the fee in 1995 and in 1999 with revisions, but allowed the fee to expire in January 2004.
During the 18-month period between January 2004 and August 2005, no scrap tire fee was being collected and the department was unable to fund scrap tire inspection and enforcement activities. The department estimates that nearly a half-million scrap tires were illegally dumped in Missouri during that time. The legislature reinstated the scrap tire fee in August 2005, and has continued to reauthorize/ extend the scrap tire fee to encourage proper scrap tire management.
Fee Distribution
In 2014, the legislature amended the scrap tire fee distribution. Of the fees paid, the funds are made available as follows:
- Up to 50% for inspection and enforcement activities.
- Up to 45% for grants focused on scrap tire market development.
- Up to 5% for educational programs.
This fee distribution remains the same to this day.
Fee Expiration
According to the Missouri Sunset Act, any program authorized by the general assembly ends not more than six years after its effective date, unless reauthorized/ extended by the State Legislature. Information about the scrap tire fee expiration can be found in Missouri Revised Statue section 260.273(7), RSMo.