Companies doing business in Missouri may be regulated by the department under one or several Missouri laws and regulations. Depending on the waste they manage and what they are doing with that waste, the business may be required to submit reports to the department. Learn more information about the reporting requirements and any download any required reporting forms.
Environmental Emergency Response Tracking Systems
Search MEERTS and MERLIN databases for hazardous substance releases and responses
Scrap Tire Hauler, Processor and Collection Center Reporting
Tire hauler tracking form, processor checklist
Solid Waste Landfill Monitoring and Reporting
Required monitoring and reporting at solid waste landfills
Solid Waste Tonnage Reporting and Fees
Sanitary and demolition landfills, transfer stations and infectious waste facilities
I-70/ I-270 Area Odor Complaint Form
Report an odor concern in the Bridgeton/ Maryland Heights area in St. Louis County
Springfield Area Tronox Odor Complaint Form
Report an odor concern near the former Tronox facility in Springfield, MO
Report an Environmental Concern or Submit a Question
Let us know if you see something affecting our natural resources