General Information
- Management of Scrap Tires - PUB2056
- Scrap Tire Fees
- Scrap Tires
- Scrap Tire Regulations, 10 CSR 80-8
- Standards for the Use of Tire Chips in On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems - PUB2205
- Tire and Lead-Acid Battery Fee Information - Missouri Department of Revenue
- U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association
Financial Assurance Forms
- Certification of Acknowledgement MO 780-1271
- Certificate of Insurance for Closure MO 780-1268
- Contract of Obligation MO 780-1263 and Resolution – Attachment A MO 780-2039
- Corporate Guarantee MO 780-1270
- Financial Guarantee Bond MO 780-1265
- Irrevocable Escrow Agreement MO 780-1264
- Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit MO 780-1267
- Irrevocable Trust Agreement MO 780-1272
- Letter from Chief Financial Officer MO 780-1269
- Performance Bond MO 780-1266
- Schedule A Form MO 780-2043

Scrap Tire Cleanups
- Nonprofit Group Scrap Tire Cleanups - PUB2214
- Scrap Tire Cleanup and Disposal Reimbursement Application MO 780-1997
- Scrap Tire Cleanup and Disposal Invoice MO 780-1998
- Response to Tire Fires - PUB2062
Scrap Tire Collection Centers
Scrap Tire Haulers
- Scrap Tire Haulers List
- Scrap Tire Hauler Permit
- Scrap Tire Monthly Summary Tracking Form - Hauler MO 780-1595
- Scrap Tire Tracking Form MO 780-1593
- Tire Hauler Tracking Information - PUB2713
- Example Waste Tire Hauler's Permit

Scrap Tire Processing Facilities (Processors)
- Scrap Tire Processors List
- Scrap Tire Processing Facility Permit
- Scrap Tire Processing Facility Operations Records Form MO 780-1037
- Scrap Tire Processing Facility Permit Application MO 780-1597
- Scrap Tire Processing Facility Permit Application Worksheet - PUB2245