The department is constantly striving to strengthen and improve effective water management practices across the state. We work with partners across a broad spectrum of public and private entities and agencies at the local, state and federal levels. Together we are making steady progress.

Director Dru Buntin holding the pinnacle award with the MoDNR team members and management

Pinnacle Award - The Sewershed Surveillance Project

In 2020, MoDNR partnered with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Missouri Department of Corrections, Missouri Department of Mental Health, Missouri Department of Public Safety’s Missouri Veterans Commission and researchers from the University of Missouri–Columbia to create Missouri’s Coronavirus Sewershed Surveillance Project. This team was awarded a Pinnacle Award by Governor Parson for their efforts on this groundbreaking project at the 2021 Governor’s Awards for Quality and Productivity ceremony. 

South Creek post construction

South Creek Restoration Project

The project purpose was to improve the water quality and stream health of South Creek by restoring the one-mile channelized segment of the stream. The project goals were accomplished through naturalizing the stream, determining the effectiveness of stream naturalization in reducing pollutant loads and improving stream habitat, and increasing public awareness and appreciation of stormwater impacts and stream health in our urban streams.

Huzzah River in Madison County

Missouri Water Resources Plan - Success Story

Along with other state agencies, groups and individuals the department developed a new state water plan for a long-range, comprehensive statewide program for the use of surface water and groundwater resources of the state, including existing and future need for drinking water supplies, agriculture, industry, recreation, environmental protection and related needs. The department completed the work in September 2020.

Two men dig to put in plants on the bank of water in a wetland.

Lincoln University George Washington Carver Farm Wetland

A man-made wetland is being enhanced with native grasses and plants on Lincoln University’s George Washington Carver Farm in Jefferson City.

A subwatershed creek surrounded by rocks and vegetation. Homes are visible in the distance.

Ecological Restoration Efforts Improve Water Quality in South Creek

A Section 319 Nonpoint Source Implementation subgrant improved water quality in South Creek, Greene County.

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