Being successful is the desire of all of us residing over our planet. It does not matter whether the concerned person is a child, youth or the elderly, it is our desire to be successful and proceed forward consistently towards more massive success. Here are some recent success stories related to energy in Missouri.

Missouri Energy Loan Program: City of Carl Junction
The Energy Loan Program assisted the City of Carl Junction with $132,000 in Energy Conservation Measures that created an estimated annual savings of $12,042.

Roadmap to Resilience is a Success
The Roadmap to Resilience Grant has successfully concluded. As a next step, Energy is working to develop an outreach plan and materials with the goal of providing additional value to various small- to medium-sized Missouri communities and other interested stakeholders.

A Case of Duct Leakage
Mike Williamson suspected the heating and cooling system in his 14-year old house needed replacement. This prompted him to call a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR contractor for an assessment and quotation. The duct leakage was reduced 86%.

Missouri Schools Going Solar
The Division of Energy worked with Ameren UE and Kansas City Power and Light (KCP&L) to bring solar power and education to K-12 schools. This program provided solar array equipment and energy education to the schools so that students, staff, and the whole community can explore the subject of energy.
The Division of Energy is no longer accepting applications for new schools.

Hot and Cold Spots in the Home
When the Milewskys moved into their home late in 2004, they noticed hot and cold spots throughout the home. They contacted a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR contractor. The inspection and testing found significant leakage in the ductwork and in the house itself. The results of fixing the leaks were dramatic.
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Contact Information
Division of Energy
1101 Riverside Drive
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States