Companies doing business in Missouri may be regulated by the department under one or several Missouri laws and regulations. Permits are a necessary part of the environmental business because it is our first and best opportunity at assuring environmental protection and compliance. It is the department’s goal to make the permitting process as timely, protective and cost effective as possible.
Master General Permits
Master general permits are issued to multiple locations where activities are similar enough to be covered by a single set of requirements to limit emissions and discharges. All facilities receiving a general permit must follow the conditions and pre-set limits contained in that general permit until it expires or until the facility obtains a site-specific permit.
Site-Specific Permits
Site-specific permits are issued to one location, on a case-by-case basis. They are written to be specific to that individual facility or location. These permits regulate what that facility can do and how they do it. Site-specific permits usually are most appropriate for regulating large or complex facilities and processes.
Department-issued Permits, Certifications, Registrations and Licenses
Whether you have an existing business or are planning a new business, we want to help you understand everything you need to know about the environmental permitting process. All environmental permits, certifications, registrations and licenses that the Missouri Department of Natural Resources issues are listed below. Select the permit title to find out more about that permit, including a general overview, permit length, applicable laws and regulations, how to apply, fees, timeline/ process, requirements, etc.
If you are not sure which permit(s) you may need, the department also organized these permits according to general area of focus or which ones a specific type of business may need.