Asbestos fibers may be released into the air by the disturbance of asbestos-containing material during product use, demolition work, building or home maintenance, repair, and remodeling. In general, exposure may occur only when the asbestos-containing material is disturbed or damaged in some way to release particles and fibers into the air.
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is the state agency responsible for regulating asbestos demolition, renovation and abatement projects in Missouri. Asbestos abatement encompasses all steps, materials and precautions necessary to remove and clean up asbestos.
The department’s asbestos regulations apply to commercial structures in Missouri and to some residential structures. Most single-family residences are exempt. Please see the asbestos fact sheets to help you determine if your structure is regulated. Links to the fact sheets appear below.
Department Notifications
The department requires notification of demolitions and abatement projects involving regulated structures at least 10 working days before crews begin a project. The following links display notifications that the department has received in the last 90 days. For a complete history of notifications, see our archives at data.mo.gov or click on the Archives button located within each of the three data sets.
Send completed and signed notifications to asbestosnotifications@dnr.mo.gov
Asbestos Occupation Certifications
An individual must receive certification from the department before that individual participates in an asbestos project, inspection, Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act management plan, abatement project design, or asbestos air sampling in the state of Missouri. Individuals can submit the Application for Asbestos Occupation Certification to the department by email to AsbestosCertifications@dnr.mo.gov. Alternatively, you may always choose to mail the application to the address found on the application.