Accurate, Safe, and Secure

The Green Building Registry® (GBR) reports accurate, third party-verified home energy data by only using data from verified sources. Collected energy data is managed in a home profile that is securely stored using the DOE Standard Energy Efficiency Data Platform™ (SEED Platform). Information reported on the Green Building Registry® does not contain personal identification information. Homeowners have the option to choose whether home energy data is publicly or privately held on the GBR and may request a status change at any time. 

Communicating Value

The Green Building Registry® ensures home energy information is a part of the conversation when listing and selling homes. Now, real estate agents have the capability to easily locate home energy data to place in a home listing. Multiple Listing Services (MLSs) can choose to connect to the GBR’s proprietary application programming interface (API), which allows real estate agents to import third party verified home energy data into home listings on their MLS with the click of a button. The GBR converts all key home energy data points into the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) data dictionary format. By accurately communicating energy efficiency attributes and performance of homes during the sales process, the GBR effectively conveys the value of energy efficiency in the real estate market. 

Consistent and Custom Reporting

Home energy reports are readily accessible through the multiple services offered by the Green Building Registry®. Home energy information is available through public search. Now interested parties have the ability to search by home address to access home energy information documented in consolidated, easy-to-understand reports, custom scorecards, and certifications online. The GBR uses home energy data to automatically generate easily understood scorecards and Missouri Home Energy Certification (MHEC) in accordance with home performance data resulting from a home energy audit. Missouri Home Energy Scorecards report:

  • Home Profile
  • Assessment Information
  • Home Score and Rating System
  • Estimated Energy Consumption
  • Estimated Home Energy Costs

Example Scorecards

The Green Building Registry® will automatically certify a home qualifying for a State-issued Gold or Silver Certificate in accordance with the Missouri Home Energy Certification (MHEC) program guidelines. Homes that score an 8 or higher on the DOE Home Energy Score (HEScore) or a 65 or lower on the RESNET Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index may achieve a gold certificate. Homes that show energy efficiency has been improved by a significant margin, or a majority of the cost-effective energy efficiency measures recommended by a home energy auditor have been completed, may achieve a silver certificate.