Risk Assessments and Emergency Response Plans
America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 was signed into law Oct. 23, 2018. The law requires community (drinking) water systems serving more than 3,300 people to develop or update risk assessments and emergency response plans (ERPs).
- Conduct a risk assessment
- Certify the risk assessment was completed and certification is sent to the EPA administrator
- Prepare or revise an ERP based on the results of the risk assessment
- Certify to the EPA administrator, within six months of completing the risk assessment, that an ERP has been completed or updated
- Review and revise the risk assessment and ERP every five years and recertify
The law specifies the components the risk assessments and ERPs must address and establishes deadlines by which water systems must certify to EPA completion of the risk assessments and ERPs.
Public Water System Model Emergency Operation Plan
The Model Emergency Operation Plan is a tool for all public drinking water systems to help them develop a more comprehensive local emergency plan. The sections provide guidelines of what to do before, during and after emergencies. The appendices, which are not included on this website, give information about governmental agencies and names and phone numbers of companies that supply chemicals, equipment, and other services.
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies Introduction
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies Who Does What
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies - Water Source Emergencies - Groundwater
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies - Water Source Emergencies - Surface Water
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies - Water Treatment Emergencies
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies - Water Distribution Emergencies
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies - Security Threat
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies - Damage Assessment Forms
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies - Emergency Plan Form
- Natural Disaster Assistance for Missouri Citizens Contact Phone Numbers - Fact Sheet - PUB0763
Response Protocol Toolbox
Response Guidelines
An action oriented document to assist drinking water utilities, laboratories, emergency responders, state drinking water programs, technical assistance providers, and public health and law enforcement officials during the management of an ongoing contamination threat or incident. The Response Guidelines are not intended to replace the Response Protocol Toolbox and they do not contain the detailed information contained within the six complete modules. The Response Guidelines are to be viewed as the application of the same principles contained in the Response Protocol Toolbox during an actual incident. The Response Guidelines have been developed to provide an easy to use document for field and crisis conditions. Finally, users are encouraged to adapt the Response Guidelines as necessary to meet their own needs and objectives. For more information, visit EPA's Response Protocol Toolbox for Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities.
Response Protocol Toolbox
EPA's Drinking Water Response Guidelines: Planning for and Responding to Contamination Threats to Drinking Water Systems - These modules provide tools that are designed to help the water sector to effectively and appropriately respond to intentional contamination threats and incidents. EPA produced the Toolbox, building on the experience and expertise of several drinking water utilities, particularly the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Organized in modular format, the Toolbox will be of value to drinking water utilities, laboratories, emergency responders, state drinking water programs, technical assistance providers and public health and law enforcement officials. Users are encouraged to review the overview before using other Modules. Please note the Toolbox contains guidance that may be adopted voluntarily. The modules are also available in MS Word for those wishing to use the forms and text.
Additional Links
- Water Emergency Preparedness and Security - AWWA
- Emergency Preparedness and Response - CDC
- Drinking Water and Wastewater Resilience - EPA
- Water Security Handbook - EPA
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Midwest Assistance Program
- Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
- Missouri Office of Homeland Security
- Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA)
- Missouri Water and Wastewater Conference
- National League of Cities
- Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center