Irrigation Management

A pivot sprays water on farm cropland plants.

Irrigation management is the artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops.  These practices are designed to address the protection of water quality through efficiently and uniformly applying water to control runoff, the appropriate application of nutrients and chemicals, and to conserve water supplies. 

The following state cost-share practices are designed to address this concern:

Details for each individual practice are available in the eligible practices chapter of the districts' Cost Share Handbook.

N430 - Irrigation Water Conveyance

Install underground piping to create a closed system of water transport to prevent water loss from irrigations systems.

N442 - Irrigation System, Sprinkler cost-share practice.

N442 - Irrigation System, Sprinkler

Upgrade sprinklers and nozzles on existing pivot irrigation systems to increase system efficiency.

N443 - Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface

Efficiently convey irrigation water from a source to the point of application without causing erosion, water loss or reduction in water quality. This practice allows for more efficient use of irrigation water through improved application methods.

N447 - Irrigation System, Tail Water Recovery

Collect and reuse irrigated run-off water to protect surface water and conserve agricultural pesticides and fertilizer.

N554 - Drainage Water Management

Install underground piping to drain excess water away from planting areas and control release of water for optimal environmental benefits.

N587 - Structure for Water Control

Reduce chemical and nutrient loading to downstream surface water by properly retaining irrigation water on agricultural fields.