Hand holding drawing world with CO2 reducing, recycle, green factory icons with green trees in the background

Application Period is Closed

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is offering Climate Pollution Reduction Subgrants to implement projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Under the subgrant award, eligible recipients will use the funds to increase public participation and engagement within the communities. 

Funding is provided by the federal Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program, as part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. EPA has not yet released information about eligible entities or projects for the implementation phase of the CPRG Program. Once released, the department will include that information here.

Information and Assistance

For additional information, please contact the Air Pollution Control Program's CPRG team at 573-751-4817 or by email at CPRGTeam@dnr.mo.gov

Who Can Apply

Eligible recipients are local government agencies within the State of Missouri, including but not limited to municipalities, cities, counties, special districts, transit districts, joint powers authorities, councils of government, regional planning organizations and groups of two or more of these agencies.

Eligible Projects

Subgrant recipients will be expected to use the funds to administer at least three public meetings, with parameters specified in the program requirements. Through these outreach meetings, municipalities will gather ideas for projects to include in the Missouri's Priority Climate Action Plan. The department will provide information and materials the subgrant recipients will use at the meetings.

Subgrant recipients must abide by the Terms and Conditions of the subgrant throughout the process and submit a final report upon completing the specified duties. 

Award Amounts

Eligible recipients can receive up to $10,000 to hold a minimum of three public meetings.These meetings will be used to inform their communities about the state’s CPRG planning efforts and gather ideas from the public for potential greenhouse gas reduction grants. 

The department will reimburse eligible expenses directly related to outreach meetings, including staffing and contractual costs necessary to the outreach activities.

Application Process

The application period for Climate Pollution Reduction Subgrants closed Oct. 20, 2023. Please refer to the documents below for instructions about how to apply for the subgrant. 

The department plans to award these subgrants on a first come, first served basis. The department does not intend to wait for the application deadline to begin issuing the subgrants. Applicants are highly encouraged to begin this process as soon as possible.

Outreach Materials

The department provides informational material to subgrant recipients to assist with their community outreach public meetings. The department created two different presentation slides that may be used in any combination during the public outreach meetings with their local community members. In addition to these presentation slides, the department created a project idea submission form and a survey to collect stakeholder input to be considered in Missouri’s Climate Action Plan.