This page provides a number of helpful resources for the following air quality topics:

Regional Air Pollution Planning Organizations

East-West Gateway Council of Governments(link is external) - The St. Louis region's Metropolitan Planning Organization and Regional Council of Governments.

Clean Air Partnership(link is external) –Established in 1995 the St. Louis organization’s mission: to increase awareness of regional air quality issues and to encourage activities to reduce air pollution emissions

Mid-America Regional Council(link is external) - An association of city and county governments and the metropolitan planning organization for the bi state Kansas City region.

Ozarks Clean Air Alliance(link is external) - Air quality issues for the Ozarks.

Additional Links and Resources

Action4Air(link is external) - Children attending Rockwood School District’s Center for Creative Learning in Ellisville, MO, won a national environmental award: EPA Region 7’s 2012 President’s Environmental Youth Award. They created the Action4Air anti-idling campaign at the Center for Creative Learning.

Air Quality and You: Health Affects of Air Pollution - Air quality can affect your health.

STOP Idling. START $aving. Printable flyer from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources with a link and QR code to the department's anti-idling brochure.

Anti-idling brochure - A publication from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources with information about campaigns to reduce idling and state regulations that limit idling as well as tips to limit idling. Examples of tips:

  • Park instead of using drive-through lanes for banks and restaurants.
  • Turn off your car while waiting to drop off or pick up people, especially if you find yourself idling for 10 seconds or longer. Modern starters and batteries are durable, so don't waste money and fuel.

Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Abatement Requirements at Brownfields/Voluntary Cleanup Program Sites.

Best Burn Practices(link is external) - A properly installed, correctly used wood-burning appliance should be smoke free. EPA guidelines to Burn Wise in your appliance and reduce smoke inside and outside your home.

Facts on Open Burning - Information regarding burn season and opening burning including links to fact sheets.

Carbon Monoxide(link is external) - EPA Introduction to Indoor Air Quality/Carbon Monoxide.

Care for Your Air: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality(link is external) - EPA guide to help understand indoor air in homes, schools and offices.

Clean Up the Mold(link is external) -  A fun reminder to clean up mold, a health hazard and an asthma trigger, from EPA.

The Climate Registry(link is external) - A collaboration between states, provinces and tribes aimed at developing and managing a common greenhouse gas emissions reporting system.

Don't Smoke in the House(link is external) - The EPA Breathe Easy information helps remind us about common asthma triggers in a memorable way. 

Envirofacts(link is external) - Database containing data from five major EPA program systems.

Envirolink(link is external) - Environmental resources. is external) - Environmental science education and careers resource information.

EPA home page(link is external) - You and your environment with a collection of resources.

EPA Air Index home page (link is external)- EPA information on various aspects of air quality.

EPA Region 7 Air Pages(link is external) - EPA links to policy and guidance databases.

EPA School Flag Program(link is external) - The Flag Program uses colored flags based on the U.S. EPA Air Quality Index to notify teachers, students and others about the air quality each school day.

Household Carbon Footprint Calculator(link is external) - Online calculator to get a rough estimate of a household's greenhouse gas emissions.

Indoor Air Pollution(link is external) - National Institutes of Health information on the normally seen causes of indoor air pollution ranging from smoking to carbon monoxide.

Indoor Air Quality(link is external) - EPA information covering many of the concerns that people have about indoor air quality.

Indoor Air Quality Publications(link is external) - List of indoor air quality publications from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Indoor Environmental Quality(link is external) - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collection of resources surrounding air quality.

Lead Poisoning - Information from the Missouri Department of Health And Senior Services.

Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Program(link is external) - Renovations can be done safely according to EPA.

National Association of Clean Air Agencies(link is external) - Explore this website to locate state and local air agencies across the nation.

Occupational Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers(link is external) - NIOSH recommends new exposure levels for nanomaterials.

OSHA Indoor Air Quality Information(link is external) - OSHA information on common indoor air quality problems for schools, businesses and other public buildings.

Ozarks Environment(link is external) - Environmental activities, events and initiatives in Southwest Missouri region.

Particle Pollution(link is external) - General information about particle pollution and air quality from EPA.

Pesticides(link is external) - An EPA Introduction to Indoor Air Quality/Pesticides.

Radon(link is external) - Radon exposure in the home is responsible for an estimated 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year. A Citizen's Guide to Radon provides information to help protect yourself and your family from radon.

Radon program, Missouri - The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services provides information on radon testing for your home.

Soot Pollution(link is external) - EPA launches voluntary program to help reduce harmful soot pollution.

Technology Transfer Network(link is external) - Missouri Environmental Rules which have been approved by EPA.

Toxic Release Inventory(link is external) - Annual EPA Toxic Release Inventory provides citizens with vital information about toxic chemical releases their communities.