Located in an industrial area of Kansas City, the Front Street air monitoring station helps determine exposure to particulate matter (PM10) for a segment of the city's population. Sources of potential air pollution include traffic along North Jackson Avenue as well as a nearby rail yard where freight cars hold coal and other cargo. In addition, Siemens Corp., a technology company, has a facility in the area; trucking company Saia LTL Freight operates on North Jackson Avenue; and Kansas City Power and Light stores utility poles north and east of the monitor.
Kansas City has two air monitoring stations that track concentrations of PM10: Troost and Front Street. The department established the Front Street station in 2010, when it relocated the PM10 monitor at Van Brunt to Front Street.
Particulate Matter (PM 10)
Departmental information about particulate matter (PM)
- Description of two groups of particulate matter: PM2.5 and PM10
- 1997, 2006 and 2012 standards for PM2.5 plus related documents
- 2006 PM10 standard and pertinent documents
- Information about standard and monitoring
- Expected number of exceedance days in a year
- Map of PM10 monitoring stations
Technical issues can affect ability to deliver quality data. Access a table of symbols with explanation of the problems they represent.
- Pages of hourly data from 10 days ago through today
- Central Standard Time

s: 1331 N. Jackson Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64120
United States
Air Pollution Control Program
Division of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States